Jesus Quotes
Text Quotes
Show me a church or a Christian organization that emphasizes prayer, and I’ll show you a ministry where people are excited about Jesus Christ and are witnessing for Him. (Jesus Quotes)
Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this. (Jesus Quotes)
I go to Chinese Christian community. Jesus looks Chinese. I go to Japanese Christian community. Jesus looks Japanese. I go to Brazilian Christian community. Jesus looks Brazilian. How come in America Jesus looks white? (Jesus Quotes)
Death for the Christian is to fall asleep in the arms of Jesus and waking up and finding out that you’re home. (Jesus Quotes)
The Christian Journey is not just to a place Heaven, it is also to a person Jesus. Ephesians 4:13 says Till we all come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Jesus Quotes)
We know of no cure for the love of evil in a Christian like daily communion with the Lord Jesus (Jesus Quotes)
We’re told that you can have a relationship with Jesus, but most Christians don’t experience Jesus personally like that. They just don’t. We honor Him. We respect Him. We worship Him. We don’t experience Him and His personality like we do the people we love the most in our lives. (Jesus Quotes)
When I was 13, I did become a Christian. And so it was when I was 13, that I thought... I just... I really saw a good example in Jesus and how he was just so... such a tremendous radical love and service of the poor. I just thought, ‘Man, why can’t we all do the same?’ (Jesus Quotes)
The Christian faith, I am proposing, should become (in the name of Jesus Christ) a welcome friend to other religions of the world, not a threat (Jesus Quotes)
We’re in danger of losing an even more foundational belief of Christianity: that salvation is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ. (Jesus Quotes)
Science is only truly consistent with an atheistic worldview with regards to the claimed miracles of the gods of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Moreover, the true believers in each of these faiths are atheists regarding the specific sacred tenets of all other faiths. Christianity rejects the proposition that the Quran contains the infallible words of the creator of the universe. Muslims and Jews reject the divinity of Jesus. (Jesus Quotes)
While I love Mohammed and Jesus Christ’I reject all men’s religions, not just Islam, but Christianity, Judaism and whatever else the men use for a whip. (Jesus Quotes)
Kenny G has a Christmas album out this year. Hey, happy birthday Jesus! Hope you like crap! (Jesus Quotes)
Giving is a really big thing around Christmas, as well it should be. Christmas is about giving, and it all stems from the greatest gift the world has ever received - the gift of Jesus Christ. (Jesus Quotes)
This Christmas, every Christmas, Santa Claus is everywhere and Jesus is nowhere to be found (Jesus Quotes)
One of the things that Christmas reminds us is that Jesus Christ was once a child (Jesus Quotes)
Jesus came to be the light for the world, and then there’s the Christmas star and the idea of letting your light shineBut not blinding your neighbor with it. (Jesus Quotes)
God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Was born upon this day, To save us all from Satan’s power When we were gone astray. O tidings of comfort and joy! For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Was born on Christmas Day. (Jesus Quotes)
We are each one on a road going toward home, but we’re not trying to get there for Christmas. We’re trying to get there for eternity. We want to arrive home safely to our loving Father in Heaven. He wants us to make it safely there, so He has sent a guiding light for us to follow: a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect example. (Jesus Quotes)
The concerted effort to minimize Christmas has resulted in it being our national Happy Holiday holiday. The Christmas season is now the holiday season. Christmas parties are now holiday parties. Christmas is a time for giving and receiving presents and in many homes, nothing more. Who is this fellow, Jesus Christ, anyway? (Jesus Quotes)
In case anyone would like to know, we have now entered the Christmas season. Christmas as in Jesus Christ. This is not the happy holidays season. ...Don’t Happy Holidays me because I will Merry Christmas you in return. (Jesus Quotes)
Genuine Christianity is more than a relationship with Jesus, as expressed in personal piety, church attendance, Bible study, and works of charity. It is more than discipleship, more than believing a system of doctrines about God. Genuine Christianity is a way of seeing and comprehending all reality. It is a worldview. (Jesus Quotes)
Servanthood does not nullify leadership; it defines it. Jesus does not cease to be the Lion of Judah when He becomes the lamblike servant of the church. (Jesus Quotes)
To be active in a church social life or church activities or even a church mission to help the hungry or reach the poor, but really our dedication has to be born out of an infatuation with Jesus. (Jesus Quotes)
Being raised as an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Mormons, I became an Eagle scout, and after graduating high school, I went on a full-time church mission to the West Indies for 2 years. (Jesus Quotes)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bears His name. He stands at its head and directs it through His chosen prophets. (Jesus Quotes)
Service is an imperative for those who worship Jesus Christ and a covenant obligation of those who belong to his Church. (Jesus Quotes)
In Great Britain, an author published a book in which he claimed that Jesus Christ had children. Such statements don’t trigger civil unrest and bloodshed in Europe. But write similar statements about Islam in Syria and you might see bloody uprisings. (Jesus Quotes)
Women have the same privileges and opportunities as men, given the New Testament. Relegating women to second-class citizenship was abolished when Jesus died on the cross. (Jesus Quotes)
Once we take our eyes away from ourselves, from our interests, from our own rights, privileges, ambitions - then they will become clear to see Jesus around us. (Jesus Quotes)