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Jewels Quotes

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The blue and cloudless day closes like the lid of a casket of jewels upon the violet rim of sea, and shuts out the light  (Jewels Quotes) Conversation is the wall we build between ourselves and other people, too often with tired words like used and broken bottles which, catching the sunlight as they lie embedded in the wall, are mistaken for jewels  (Jewels Quotes) My roses are my jewels; the sun, moon, and stars my clocks; fruit and water my fare  (Jewels Quotes) Historically, art has always had a market. When one medieval fiefdom defeated another they would drag back its jewels, gold, tapestries and art objects as the spoils of war. Art equaled power, riches and culture  (Jewels Quotes) Take the advice of light when you’re looking at linens or jewels; Looking at faces or forms, take the advice of the day  (Jewels Quotes) Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself  (Jewels Quotes) Here in this moment we are beautiful, nocturnal creatures and our thoughts and words are jewels guarded by the moon  (Jewels Quotes) Jewels, lies, slips of paper, dried flowers, memories of thing long past, useless quotations, idle hands, beads, buttons, and mischief  (Jewels Quotes) The sage wears clothes of coarse cloth but carries jewels in his bosom; He knows himself but does not display himself; He loves himself but does not hold himself in high esteem  (Jewels Quotes) If we learn to love the earth, we will find labyrinths, gardens, fountains and precious jewels! A whole new world will open itself to us. We will discover what it means to be truly alive  (Jewels Quotes) On the motionless branches of some trees, autumn berries hung like clusters of coral beads, as in those fabled orchards where the fruits were jewels  (Jewels Quotes) Like jewels in a crown, the precious stones glittered in the queen’s round metal hat  (Jewels Quotes) If you wish to be a mine of jewels, open the deep ocean within your heart  (Jewels Quotes) The stars are the jewels of the night, and perchance surpass anything which day has to show  (Jewels Quotes) Each in the most hidden sack kept the lost jewels of memory, intense love, secret nights and permanent kisses, the fragment of public or private happiness. A few, the wolves, collected thighs, other men loved the dawn scratching mountain ranges or ice floes, locomotives, numbers. For me happiness was to share singing, praising, cursing, crying with a thousand eyes. I ask forgiveness for my bad ways: my life had no use on earth  (Jewels Quotes) Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself. Thou must bleed for me. Therefore the poet brings his poem; the shepherd, his lamb; the farmer, corn; the miner, a stone; the painter, his picture; the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing  (Jewels Quotes) Her godmother simply touched her with her wand, and, at the same moment, her clothes were turned into cloth of gold and silver, all decked with jewels  (Jewels Quotes) Some men’s memory is like a box where a man should mingle his jewels with his old shoes  (Jewels Quotes) The worth of a wife is a man’s good fortune; His jewels are his good children  (Jewels Quotes) It was as though he had cut up the sky, melted down a flower garden, tossed in some jewels and made it into glass  (Jewels Quotes) What sought they thus afar? Bright jewels of the mine, the wealth of seas, the spoils of war? they sought a faith’s pure shrine  (Jewels Quotes) I won’t slave for beggar’s pay, likewise gold and jewels, but I would slave to learn the way, to sink your ship of fools  (Jewels Quotes) You may have tangible wealth untold, caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you could never be; I know someone who told stories to me  (Jewels Quotes) Posterity preserves only what will pack into small compass. Jewels are handed down from age to age; less portable valuables disappear  (Jewels Quotes) Green and living jewels drip into my eyes from the poem All Green and Living Things in the book Terra Affirmative  (Jewels Quotes) I’m all for skinny jeans, a flowing blouse, patterned flats and chunky jewels  (Jewels Quotes) I’m a bit grungy - I love wearing boots. But I also love putting on a beautiful white dress and jewels. I have those two alter-egos.  (Jewels Quotes) I’m completely anti-establishment; the only thing I like about the Queen are her scarves and her jewels.  (Jewels Quotes) Dumb jewels often, in their silent kind, more than quick words, do move a woman’s mind  (Jewels Quotes) The earth is like a beautiful bride who needs no manmade jewels to heighten her loveliness...  (Jewels Quotes)
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