Jillian Michaels Quotes

Text Quotes
Life has a way of working out the way it’s meant to (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
I want you to feel like you’re going to die (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
If you fail to plan, you pretty much plan to fail (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Never allow your fear to grow larger than your faith (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
If you focus on all the things that could go wrong, you miss the things that could go right (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
They are bearcrawls... a bearclaw is a donut (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
I believe in blood, sweat and tears (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Feel the Fear. Do it anyway! (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
It’s impossible to put yourself first when you’re a mom (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
The past does not define, you the present does (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
I am doing the best I can given what I have today (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Why choose to fail when success is an option? (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Thriving. That’s fighting... Surviving is barely getting by (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
I can always use a good chest fly in my life (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Remember that transformation is a present activity (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
I can’t save you, you have to save yourself (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Your destiny is just waiting for you to show up (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Transformation isn’t a future event, it’s a present day activity (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Be awesome. Live life to the fullest. Shoot for the stars and never settle (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
If you want results, they don’t come for free (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving out. Keep going (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Don’t shut down your emotions. Embrace them. Your emotions are your internal compass telling you whether or not you are on track. Use them to help cultivate your passions or motivate you to change situations and circumstances that hold you back from achieving your goals (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
We all have to work for happiness. And you cannot listen to other people. That is the worst mistake you can make (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
The way to get motivated and stay motivated is to identify, define, and emotionally connect to your dreams (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Give it 12 weeks. Don’t quit (Jillian Michaels Quotes)
Sometimes people will hear you and be able to change their behavior, but often their behavior has more to do with their own need for approval than with your need for support. No matter what their response, you need to be firm and hold your ground. At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility (Jillian Michaels Quotes)