Jo Brand Quotes

Text Quotes
Everything becomes magnified at night. Sounds travel in a different way, it’s dark, and everything seems far more spooky. (Jo Brand Quotes)
I find it difficult to judge myself, but people say that I have become a bit more socially acceptable over the years in terms of my material; which apparently at the beginning - though I never really intended it to be - was man hating and now is just a bit more cuddly. (Jo Brand Quotes)
I have big friends who won’t go swimming because they’re too embarrassed about it. I feel that’s such a shame, because actually people should be encouraging fat people who are exercising to do it, not pointing and laughing. (Jo Brand Quotes)
Inside every fat person there’s a thin person looking to get out - They’ve just eaten them (Jo Brand Quotes)
Fat people are brilliant in bed. If I’m sitting on top of you, who’s going to argue? (Jo Brand Quotes)
By crying on my bed, drinking quite a lot and feeling tempted by drugs. Well, just not reading it to be perfectly honest with you. I know it’s a bit of a copout. (Jo Brand Quotes)
There’s a general sense that women are more relaxed and less defensive in comedy than they used to be. I think it’s easier than it was but underlying it all there is still a pretty sexist view of women on stage, which to me hasn’t changed that much. (Jo Brand Quotes)
I think the key attributes for a good speaker are someone that’s articulate and someone that puts a fair amount of humour into what they do. (Jo Brand Quotes)
I tend to think the world is a bit of a miserable place, so anyone who can add to people’s optimistic, cheerful side is doing a good job, which is what I hope I’m doing. (Jo Brand Quotes)
Not many women will go out on a limb to make themselves really unattractive and unfeminine so you can get the laughs, but it’s a great thing to do in my book. (Jo Brand Quotes)
There are comics who treat women fairly appallingly. But I can be great friends with them because I don’t tend to do that ticking of boxes: it can make life too simplistic. (Jo Brand Quotes)
School was great. There were no boys there, which didn’t really bother me at the time because I had two brothers, so I was quite pleased not to spend any more time with boys. (Jo Brand Quotes)
No one I know is actually so rude as to tell me I’ve become duller since having children. But I’m sure they think it. (Jo Brand Quotes)
I think some people ramp a side of themselves up for performance purposes (Jo Brand Quotes)
The comedian sticks as religiously to her theme as a dancer sticks to a diet (Jo Brand Quotes)
When I was a nurse I never had much money, and I was still happy then (Jo Brand Quotes)
I wouldn't say I was organised at all. I just have to prioritise. Is it more important for them to be organised, or to have their dinner, do you know what I mean? (Jo Brand Quotes)
The reason I used a name was because I was a nurse at the time, and I didn't want my name in Timeout and people from working coming along and taking the piss (Jo Brand Quotes)
They say men can never experience the pain of childbirth. They can... If you hit them in the goolies with a cricket bat for fourteen hours (Jo Brand Quotes)
It wasn’t a conscious effort to have kids later. It was just the way life goes (Jo Brand Quotes)
Suffice to say, many women find their first appearance on a comedy panel show to be their last. Second chances seem to be given less often to the female of the species (Jo Brand Quotes)
When you cry, you don’t look very attractive; you look snotty and blotchy. People seem to manage to cry quite prettily these days, and to me, that smacks of not being very genuine (Jo Brand Quotes)
I made a supreme effort not to do that thing that parents do, which is to bore people without children to death by going on and on about how funny their children are, so there’s none of that hopefully (Jo Brand Quotes)
By crying on my bed, drinking quite a lot and feeling tempted by drugs. Well, just not reading it to be perfectly honest with you. I know it’s a bit of a copout (Jo Brand Quotes)
I don’t know really, it doesn’t feel like it has changed to me but I think to have to move with the times. Try out different areas and not get stuck in 1978 (Jo Brand Quotes)
I think there’s a far more general audience now because I’ve done more populist stuff on telly (Jo Brand Quotes)
I was really, because I thought it was extremely excruciating when I watched a tape of it, that my husband taped for me and I never watched it again after that (Jo Brand Quotes)
I’m sure some cynical people would point to that as the main reason for doing it for a lot of people (Jo Brand Quotes)
It’s got too much hard work slapping them and telling them to shut up (Jo Brand Quotes)
It’s inevitable that if you do okay on something like that you don’t just annoy people, that it will make a difference because it seemed like such a lot of people so, yes I would have to say that it has done (Jo Brand Quotes)