Jodi Picoult Quotes

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Maybe if you spend your life pretending you’re on a movie set, you don’t ever have to admit that the walls are made out of paper and the food is plastic and the words in your mouth aren’t really yours (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Dark matter has a gravitation effect on other objects. You can’t see it, you can’t feel it, but you can watch something being pulled in its direction (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Knowledge was power, but a good librarian did not hoard the gift. She taught others how to find, where to look, how to see (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Listen, I would say, this is not how I thought our lives would go; and may be we cannot find our way out of this alley. But there is no one I’d rather be lost with (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I used to think I’d be just like them when I grew up, but I am not. And the thing is, somewhere along the way, I stopped wanting to be like them, anyway (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It’s hard to be the one always waiting. I mean, there’s something to be said for the hero who charges off to battle, but when you get right down to it there’s a whole story in who’s left behind (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I used to pretend that I was just passing through this family on my way to my real one (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
After all, the only way to communicate is to find someone who can comprehend; the only way to be forgiven is to find someone who is willing to forgive (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Is it because they are so comfortable, they already know what the other is thinking? Or is it because after a certain point, there is simply nothing left to say? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
In my family, we seem to have a tortured history of not saying what we ought to and not meaning what we do (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It is so easy to presume that while your own world has ground to an absolute halt, so has everyone else’s (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
What I want, more than anything, is to turn back time a little. To become the kid I used to be, who believed whatever my mother said was one hundred percent true and right without looking hard enough to see the hairline crack (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The bottom line in both cases is that people don’t change; that no matter how charming you are and how fiercely you love, you cannot turn a person into something she’s not (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I tell you this as a cautionary tale: beware of getting what you want. It’s bound to disappoint you (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I imagine having that sixth sense, the certainty that what I’m looking for is within reach, even if it’s still hidden (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
We all have things that come back to haunt us. Some of us just see them more clearly than others (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
How many times would I throw this away before I realized it was what I had been looking for all along? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I imagined what it would be like to hold a butterfly in your hands something bejeweled and treasured and to know that despite your devotion it was dying by degrees (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
She was forced to consider the startling fact that the love of her life might not actually be someone with whom she could spend a lifetime (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Life could take on any number of shapes while you were busy fighting your own demons. But if you were changing at the same rate as the person beside you, nothing else really mattered. You became each other’s constant (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
She thought of death like the seam of a hem: each time you lose someone close, it unraveled a little. You could still go along with your life, but you’d be forever tripping over something you previously took for granted (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The only difference between a wish and a prayer is that you’re at the mercy of the universe for the first, and you’ve got some help with the second (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When the door opens, I realize that the only thing worse than waiting is the moment you realize a decision has been made (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
A lie, as you probably know, has a taste all its own. Blocky and bitter and never quite right, like when you pop a piece of fancy chocolate into your mouth expecting toffee filling and you get lemon zest instead (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I don’t know what I was thinking, coming out here. There are no silver bullets in life, there’s just the long, messy climb out of the pit you’ve dug youself (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
... because he believed that if you wanted to get rid of a hole, you filled it. He had not realized at the time that there were all sorts of filler that took up space, but had no substance. That made you feel just as empty (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The relationship between people knot so easily, there needs to be a person skilled at working free the threads. Sometimes, though, the only way to extricate a tangle is to cut it out and start fresh (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
You know, the mind is a remarkable thing. Just because you can’t see the wound doesn’t mean it isn’t hurting. It scars all the time, but it heals (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
How could I not have seen this coming, when I looked into your eyes and vowed to be with you forever? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
In the end, though, I did not kill my sister. She did it all on her own. Or at least this is what I tell myself (Jodi Picoult Quotes)