Jodi Picoult Quotes

Text Quotes
This was the reason there was music, he realized. There were some feelings that didn’t have words big enough to describe them (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
For better or for worse, music is the language of memory. It is also the language of love (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When you have been burned by fire once, you don’t leap into the flames again (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Why is it that only in the very beginnings of a relationship are you aware of the heat coming from inside a person, of the number of inches you would have to move for your shoulders to brush as if it were an accident? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The act of reading is a partnership. The author builds a house, but the reader makes it a home (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I could think whatever I wanted to, but realized that any promises I made myself were destined to be broken (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
You figured that the only way I’d be happy is if I did the things you thought would be best for me (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
There was, really, nothing you could use as a blueprint for your life, except your past. There was no starting over. There was only picking up the pieces someone had left behind (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When I was little, the great mystery to me was not how babies were made, but why? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
We could all be lucky. We could all be what we want to be, instead of who someone else told us to be (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I have come to believe that this life I’m wearing will never really fit (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
You have to understand what you’re missing before you can really feel a loss (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I think there are crossroads in our lives when we make grand, sweeping decisions without even realizing it (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Maybe the reason I’ve never died in this story is that I’ve never had something worth dying for before (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
There are some nights when you just want to know there’s someone else besides you in this wide world (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
History isn’t about dates and places and wars. It’s about the people who fill the spaces between them (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The weapons an author has at her disposal are flawed. There are words that feel shapeless and overused. Love, for example. I could write the word love a thousand times and it would mean a thousand different things to different readers (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It does’nt matter who forgives you, if you’re the one who can’t forget (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Tutoring a four year old to get into an exclusive preschool made as much sense as hiring a swim coach for a guppy (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The best thing about endings is knowing that just ahead is the daunting task to start over (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It doesn’t matter what it is that leaves a hole inside you. It just matters that it’s there (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It turns out that sharing the past with someone is different from reliving it when you’re alone. It feels less like a wound, more like a poultice (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
If history has a habit of repeating itself, doesn’t someone have to stay behind to shout out a warning? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Inside each of us is a monster; inside each of us is a saint. The real question is which one we nurture the most, which one will smite the other (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I don’t think anyone who falls in love has a choice. You’re just pulled to that person like true north, whether it’s good for you or bound to break your heart (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
My grandmother told me that her father used to ask her a riddle: What must you break apart in order to bring a family close together? Bread, of course (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
There was no black or white. Someone who had been good her entire life could, in fact, do something evil. People were just as capable of committing murder, under the right circumstances, as any monster (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Sometimes, all it takes to become human again is someone who can see you that way, no matter how you present on the surface (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
What is the point of trying to put down on paper emotions that are too complex, too huge, too overwhelming to be confined by an alphabet? Love isn’t the only word that fails. Hate does, too (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Sometimes all you need to live one more day is a good reason to stick around (Jodi Picoult Quotes)