Jodi Picoult Quotes

Text Quotes
That’s the paradox of loss: How can something that’s gone weigh us down so much? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I never said I do not remember, my grandmother corrects. I said I prefer to forget (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Sometimes words are not big enough to contain all the feelings you are trying to pour into them (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Be a good listener, don’t judge and don’t put boundaries on someone else’s grief (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
That’s why we read fiction, isn’t it? To remind us that whatever we suffer, we’re not the only ones? (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Be kind to others before you take care of yourself; make whoever you’re with feel like they matter (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
We believe what we want to, what we need to. The corollary is that we choose not to see what we’d rather pretend doesn’t exist (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
I realize how quickly lies compound. They cover like a coat of paint, one on top of the other, until you cannot remember what color you started with (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When a freedom is taken away from you, I suppose, you recognize it as a privilege, not a right (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
There are so many ways a family can unravel. All it takes is a tiny slash of selfishness, a rip of greed, a puncture of bad luck. And yet, woven tightly, family can be the strongest bond imaginable (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
If you end your story, it’s a static work of art, a finite circle. But if you don’t, it belongs to anyone’s imagination. It stays alive forever (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
All writers start with a layer of truth, don’t they? If not, their stories would be nothing but spools of cotton candy, a fleeting taste wrapped around nothing but air (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It was no coincidence, that fear could move a person to extremes, just as seamlessly as love. They were the conjoined twins of emotion: If you didn’t know what was at stake to lose, you had nothing to fight for (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The world just feels different for those of us who come alive after dark. It’s more fragile and unreal, a replica of the one everyone else inhabits (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
You would be surprised at the lengths you will go to believe the best about someone if you truly love him (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When was the last time someone read aloud to you? Probably when you were a child, and if you think back, you’ll remember how safe you felt, tucked under the covers, or curled in someone’s arms, as a story was spun around you like a web (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It feels like a punch. Tears fill my eyes, and I wonder how I could be upset over losing something I never had (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
It’s the child who’s supposed to cry, and the mom who makes it all better, not the other way around, which is why mothers will move heaven and earth to hold it together in front of their own kids (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Her mouth is always on the verge of a smile. It makes her look like there’s always something amazing she needs to tell me, even when it’s just hello (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Don’t pay back in kind, pay back in kindness. If someone does wrong by you, do right by them (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The doctors may be mapping out the war games, but it is the nurses who make the conflict bearable (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Reason number 106 why dogs are smarter than humans: once you leave the litter, you server contact with your mothers (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When I was little I bragged about my firefighting father: my father would go to heaven, because if he went to hell he would put out all the fires (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
They don’t like the thought of someone else making demands on the person whom they see as belonging entirely to them (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The music we listen to may not define who we are. But it’s a damn good start (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Just because fate had thrown another obstacle in my way didn’t mean I had to give up my dreams (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
When you are attracted to people, it’s because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. The fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
Some women are meant to change the world while others are meant to hold it together (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
The process of growing up was nothing more than figuring out what doors hadn’t yet been slammed in your face (Jodi Picoult Quotes)
In the custom of mourning, the fabric of the night had been ripped, revealing a star at each tiny tear (Jodi Picoult Quotes)