Joe Teti Quotes

Text Quotes
Three fires is the international distress signal (Joe Teti Quotes)
It’s a game changer, not a game ender (Joe Teti Quotes)
I club the thing over the head and that’s the end of it (Joe Teti Quotes)
It’s mistakes that get you killed (Joe Teti Quotes)
The moon just crapped the bed (Joe Teti Quotes)
Altitude sickness is gonna put the screws on you (Joe Teti Quotes)
That’s a huge part foul man; that’s just not cool (Joe Teti Quotes)
It’s always good to give yourself the advantage (Joe Teti Quotes)
We can navigate by looking at ant mounds (Joe Teti Quotes)
Dude, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t (Joe Teti Quotes)
All this is, is a nine hundred dollar hammer (Joe Teti Quotes)
In any survival situation, you need to weigh the risk and the reward (Joe Teti Quotes)
You know this is a dicey situation anyway you look at it (Joe Teti Quotes)
Putting us in risk is just plain stupid (Joe Teti Quotes)
Here’s the bottom line, we’re either going or not (Joe Teti Quotes)
Hiking up a hill is an ass kicker, going downhill is a little easier (Joe Teti Quotes)
I like the way you hustle man (Joe Teti Quotes)
What I envisioned to see was a group of guys drinking beer (Joe Teti Quotes)
Sandals are made out of rubber, and when lit on fire burn black (Joe Teti Quotes)
It drops down to a place I ain’t going (Joe Teti Quotes)
We cannibalized this bike as much as we could’ve (Joe Teti Quotes)
I’m a combat diver, I’ve never done something like this (Joe Teti Quotes)
My motto is to keep it simple stupid, work smart not hard (Joe Teti Quotes)
That’s a bust your ass shot through and through (Joe Teti Quotes)
It’s darker than a well diggers ass (Joe Teti Quotes)
This is teamwork; this is what it’s all about (Joe Teti Quotes)
It’s beautiful, it’s poetry in motion (Joe Teti Quotes)
Clear water is always suspect (Joe Teti Quotes)
This is looking tasty (Joe Teti Quotes)
What do you say to a guy that says a tree’s sexy (Joe Teti Quotes)