Joe Teti Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t know about you, but rattlesnake sounds pretty damn good right now (Joe Teti Quotes)
You may only get one chance at something... and that requires confidence in your ability (Joe Teti Quotes)
I’m gonna see how this works out, but I think it’s a bad idea (Joe Teti Quotes)
Now that this torch is lit, we do not have time to dilly dally around (Joe Teti Quotes)
The fools that came in here brought their beach gear to a cave... go figure (Joe Teti Quotes)
We’ll stay warm tonight even if we have to sit by each other and snuggle (Joe Teti Quotes)
You’ve got to think outside the box. If you can’t, that’s going to put you behind the power curve in a big way (Joe Teti Quotes)
If you’re rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off you’re probably going to get hurt (Joe Teti Quotes)
The same water that will kill you, drown you, give you hypothermia is the same water that will help you survive (Joe Teti Quotes)
Usually guys with your skill set like to eat bugs; I don’t get that dude (Joe Teti Quotes)
If you choose to get off the beaten path here, you’ll find yourself in a situation where everything looks the same (Joe Teti Quotes)
What you don’t want to do is dig around here like a groundhog on crack (Joe Teti Quotes)
If you ever heard that old saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire; well that’s a load of bull (Joe Teti Quotes)
For us to get to those huts and no one’s home, it’s going to be a kick to the nuts (Joe Teti Quotes)
The terrain is thinner, the vegetation is greener, that’s a good sign we’re getting close to the coast (Joe Teti Quotes)
In any high stress situation you are going to default to your level of training... period (Joe Teti Quotes)
Surviving a tough situation means staying in the fight and maintaining a warrior’s mindset (Joe Teti Quotes)
I know this guy is a musician so I hope he can play us a tune that could get us the hell out of here (Joe Teti Quotes)
If you fall from here, if you’re not dead you’re gonna wish you were (Joe Teti Quotes)
This suntan lotion acts as an accelerator and an extender, meaning that this fire will burn brighter and longer (Joe Teti Quotes)
It kind of sounds like the noise a goat would make if you punched it in the face (Joe Teti Quotes)
Survival protocol says follow water out, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do (Joe Teti Quotes)
I see smoke, smoke means fire, fire means people, people means we get the hell out of here (Joe Teti Quotes)
I’m normally not at a loss of words but I am a little taken aback by what you’re wearing; it’s a little different (Joe Teti Quotes)
Most of my hunting experiences has been in tree stands. I’ve never called deer (Joe Teti Quotes)
I think every minute you’re in a situation like this, your clock is ticking (Joe Teti Quotes)
Getting lost in a place like this you can almost guarantee that you aren’t going to make it out here (Joe Teti Quotes)
At the top of my list for terrain that I hate navigating through, it is definitely the mangrove (Joe Teti Quotes)
My whole philosophy in survival is to take down brush as soon as you get in a situation (Joe Teti Quotes)
This is a way you can learn about someone through very stressful situations. That is when a person is either gonna shine or falter (Joe Teti Quotes)