Joel Osteen Quotes

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It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt (Joel Osteen Quotes)
Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that you are passing the test. And God promises you your marked moments are on their way (Joel Osteen Quotes)
Most people already know what they're doing wrong. When I get them to church I want to tell them that you can change (Joel Osteen Quotes)
My parents were the same in the pulpit as they were at home. I think that's where a lot of preachers' kids get off base sometimes. Because they don't see the same things at both places (Joel Osteen Quotes)
On Sundays when I speak, I hopefully give somebody something that they can use the next day at work or at home (Joel Osteen Quotes)
People respond when you tell them there is a great future in front of you, you can leave your past behind (Joel Osteen Quotes)
The death of my father is probably the biggest thing that I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends (Joel Osteen Quotes)
Why don't you start believing that no matter what you have or haven't done, that your best days are still out in front of you (Joel Osteen Quotes)
You can change your world by changing your words. Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue (Joel Osteen Quotes)
You may never get to that perfect world that you're waiting for where everything's going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off (Joel Osteen Quotes)
God didn't make a mistake when He made you. You need to see yourself as God sees you (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I don't think that a same sex marriage is the way God intended it to be (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I've never preached one sermon on money, on just finances. I want to stay away from it (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I want to be blessed so I can build orphanages. Blessed so I can build hospitals and do other things with our finances (Joel Osteen Quotes)
God works where there’s an attitude of faith. I believe faith is all about hope (Joel Osteen Quotes)
Be sensitive to the needs of those around you. Live as a healer. Lift the fallen, restore the broken, and encourage the discouraged (Joel Osteen Quotes)
You have excellence on the inside. It’s who you are. Now do your part. Bring out your excellence! (Joel Osteen Quotes)
The only difference between black coal and a precious diamond is the amount of pressure it endured (Joel Osteen Quotes)
You can be in the storm, but don’t let the storm get in you (Joel Osteen Quotes)
You may have had unfair things happen to you, but the depth of your pain is an indication of the height of your future (Joel Osteen Quotes)
There’s a lot of negative things trying to pull people down, and I think people respond when you tell them that hey, there are good things up ahead (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I’m trying to teach people how to live their everyday lives, and so I do focus on it, probably not as much as some people would like (Joel Osteen Quotes)
Our whole message is it’s easy to just keep preaching to the church and people that already come (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I feel like when I stay focused on encouraging people, and giving them hope, and helping them live their everyday life, I think that’s where I can have the most impact (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I realize that as quick as you go up, you can really come down that quick. And we’ve seen it happen with others (Joel Osteen Quotes)
I’m not perfect, but I think that I’ve done good to stay focused on what I’m called to do (Joel Osteen Quotes)
The prerequisite to loving others is to love yourself. If you don’t have a healthy respect for who you are, and if you don’t learn to accept yourself faults and all, you will never be able to properly love other people (Joel Osteen Quotes)
You won’t be free from guilt if you are constantly replaying the negative memories of your past. If you’re going to replay anything, replay your victories! (Joel Osteen Quotes)
If you want your life to get better, sometimes the best thing you can do is to help improve somebody else’s life (Joel Osteen Quotes)
If you develop an image of success, health, abundance, joy, peace, happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you (Joel Osteen Quotes)