Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes

Text Quotes
The proportion of genius to the vulgar is like one to a million (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Not every one who has the gift of speech understands the value of silence (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Thousands are hated, while none are loved without a real cause (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The worst of all knaves are those who can mimic their former honesty (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
A fop of fashion is the mercer's friend, the tailor's fool, and his own foe (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Weaknesses, so called, are nothing more nor less than vice in disguise! (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
As the interest of man, so his God; as his God, so he (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The cruelty of the effeminate is more dreadful than that or the hardy (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Copiousness and simplicity, variety and unity, constitute real greatness of character (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Just as you are pleased at finding faults, you are displeased at finding perfections (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
He who seeks to imbitter innocent pleasure has a cancer in his heart (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The freer you feel yourself in the presence of another, the more free is he (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The affectation of sanctity is a blotch on the face of piety (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The policy of adapting one's self to circumstances makes all ways smooth (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The jealous is possessed by a fine mad devil and a dull spirit at once (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
How few our real wants, and how vast our imaginary ones! (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
He who gives himself airs of importance, exhibits the credentials of impotence (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Action, looks, words, steps, form the alphabet by which you may spell character (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Him, who incessantly laughs in the street, you may commonly hear grumbling in his closet (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Say not you know another entirely till you have divided an inheritance with him (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Who affects useless singularities has surely a little mind (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
As your enemies and your friends, so are you (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The countenance is more eloquent than the tongue (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Too much gravity argues a shallow mind (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The miser robs himself (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The ambitious sacrifices all to what he terms honor, as the miser all to money (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
The wrath that on conviction subsides into mildness, is the wrath of a generous mind (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Who values gold above all, considers all else as trifling (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
A great passion has no partner (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)
Who will sacrifice nothing, and enjoy all, is a fool (Johann Kaspar Lavater Quotes)