Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes

Text Quotes
Piety is not a goal but a means to attain through the purest peace of mind the highest culture (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Science arose from poetry. When times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The Christian religion, though scattered and abroad will in the end gather itself together at the foot of the cross (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
We can't form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
We cannot fashion our children after our desires, we must have them and love them as God has given them to us (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Wood burns because it has the proper stuff in it; and a man becomes famous because he has the proper stuff in him (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Not the maker of plans and promises, but rather the one who offers faithful service in small matters. This is the person who is most likely to achieve what is good and lasting (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Every author in some way portrays himself in his works, even if it be against his will (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Devote each day to the object then in time and every evening will find something done (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Error is acceptable as long as we are young; but one must not drag it along into old age (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Go to foreign countries and you will get to know the good things one possesses at home (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
One cannot develop taste from what is of average quality but only from the very best (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Where is the man who has the strength to be true, and to show himself as he is? (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
My counsel is, to force nothing, and rather to trifle and sleep away all unproductive days and hours, than on such days to compose something that will afterwards give no pleasure (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
A human being needs only a small plot of ground on which to be happy, and even less to lie beneath (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
There is no outward sign of true courtesy that does not rest on a deep moral foundation (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
We are forced to participate in the games of life before we can possibly learn how to use the options in the rules governing them (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
It is said that no man is a hero to his valet. That is because a hero can be recognized only by a hero (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Continue to make the demands of the day your immediate concern, and take occasion to test the purity of your hearts and the steadfastness of your spirits. When you then take a deep breath and rise above the cares of this world and in an hour of leisure, you will surely win the proper frame of mind to face devoutly what is above us, with reverence, seeing in all events the manifestation of a higher guidance (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
A genuine work of art usually displeases at first sight, as it suggests a deficiency in the spectator (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
To act is easy, to think is hard; to act according to our thought is troublesome (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Those who have no hope for a future life are already dead for the present one (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Without haste! without rest! Bind the motto to thy breast! Bear it with thee as a spell; Storm or sunshine, guard it well (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
If you lay duties upon people and give them no rights, you must pay them well (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Hatred is active displeasure, envy passive. We need not wonder that envy turns to soon to hatred (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
To live in a great idea means to treat the impossible as though it were possible. It is just the same with a strong character; and when an idea and a character meet, things arise which fill the world with wonder for thousands of years (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)