Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes

Text Quotes
Hatred is active, and envy passive dislike; there is but one step from envy to hate (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Hatred is something peculiar. You will always find it strongest and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
He who has a task to perform must know how to take sides, or he is quite unworthy of it (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe: believe life; it teaches better that book or orator (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
I never knew a more presumptuous person than myself. The fact that I say that shows that what I say is true (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
If a man or woman is born ten years sooner or later, their whole aspect and performance shall be different (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
If a man writes a book, let him set down only what he knows. I have guesses enough of my own (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
If you must tell me your opinions, tell me what you believe in. I have plenty of doubts of my own (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
If you start to think of your physical and moral condition, you usually find that you are sick (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
If your treat an individual... as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
It is the strange fate of man, that even in the greatest of evils the fear of the worst continues to haunt him (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Objects in pictures should so be arranged as by their very position to tell their own story (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The biggest problem with every art is by the use of appearance to create a loftier reality (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The most happy man is he who knows how to bring into relation the end and beginning of his life (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The people who are absent are the ideal; those who are present seem to be quite commonplace (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
There is a courtesy of the heart; it is allied to love. From its springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
There is nothing in the world more shameful than establishing one’s self on lies and fables (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
There is nothing in which people more betray their character than in what they laugh at (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
We are never further from what we wish than when we believe that we have what we wished for (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
We don’t get to know people when they come to us; we must go to them to find out what they are like (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Who is the most sensible person? The one who finds what is to their own advantage in all that happens to them (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Who is the wisest man? He who neither knows or wishes for anything else than what happens (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Everything which is properly business we must keep carefully separate from life. Business requires earnestness and method; life must have a freed handling (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
Man’s highest merit always is, as much as possible, to rule external circumstances and as little as possible to let himself be ruled by them (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)
When young, one is confident to be able to build palaces for mankind, but when the time comes one has one’s hands full just to be able to remove their trash (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes)