John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes

Text Quotes
The only way to build a peaceful community is to build men and women who are lovers and makers of peace. (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
The Church ever operates in full light. There is no secrecy about its doctrine, aim, or work (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Would it not be well this Christmas to give first to the Lord, directly through obedience, sacrifice, and love, and then to give to him indirectly through gifts to friends and those in need as well as to our own? Should we do this, perhaps many of us would discover a new Christmas joy (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
The line of communication between God and man is always open unless broken by man himself. We are, as it were, always in the presence of our Father in Heaven. Through His Holy Spirit, God is with us always and everywhere (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Fraud and deceit are anxious for your money. Be informed and prudent (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Preparedness and punctuality are two of the most important qualities of a leader (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
There never was a revelation without a question first (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
The condition of the body limits, largely, the expression of the spirit (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
When each man sets his own house in order, the whole world will be in order (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Fraud and deceit have been practiced since the beginning of history... Brass has been called gold; glass has been sold as diamonds; and poison has been hawked as excellent food. The story of fraud throughout the ages forms an ugly chapter of human history (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Deceit is the mark of evil. Even if the evil messenger does not appear in person, the test is the same (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
A beginning must be made somewhere and corner by corner, department by department, space by space, all will be known and conquered. In the end, all must be explored, and whether one begins in the east or the west cannot matter much. The big concern is the extent to which a man offers himself, mind and body, to his worthwhile work. Upon that will growth depend (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
... since birth control roots in a species of selfishness, the spiritual life of the user of contraceptives is also weakened. Women seem to become more masculine in thought and action; men more callous and reserved; both husband and wife become more careless of each other, and increasingly indifferent to the higher duties and joys of living (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
A thief, though rich, will continue to steal, but an honest man, though poor, will ever seek to pay his debts (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
That which is true must always remain true, though the applications may change greatly from generation to generation. It is the absence of such fundamental certainties, no doubt, that leads men into continual search for a satisfying religion, or that drives them away from their old religion (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
True freedom, which is full joy, is the complete recognition of law and adaptation to it. Bondage comes from ignorance of law or opposition to it (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Finally it may be said that the temple endowment is not secret. All who meet the requirements for entrance to the temple may enjoy it (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)
Man must learn to know the universe precisely as it is, or he cannot successfully find his place in it. A man should therefore use his reasoning faculty in all matters involving truth, and especially as concerning his religion. He must learn to distinguish between truth and error (John Andreas Widtsoe Quotes)