John Berger Quotes

Text Quotes
Emigration, forced or chosen, across national frontiers or from village to metropolis, is the quintessential experience of our time (John Berger Quotes)
Nakedness reveals itself. Nudity is placed on display. The nude is condemned to never being naked. Nudity is a form of dress (John Berger Quotes)
Never chain your dogs together with sausages. One must accustom one’s self to be bored (John Berger Quotes)
Nothing in the nature around us is evil. This needs to be repeated since one of the human ways of talking oneself into inhuman acts is to cite the supposed cruelty of nature (John Berger Quotes)
One can say of language that it is potentially the only human home, the only dwelling place that cannot be hostile to man (John Berger Quotes)
That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe (John Berger Quotes)
The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other. It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich (John Berger Quotes)
Unlike any other visual image, a photograph is not a rendering, an imitation or an interpretation of its subject, but actually a trace of it. No painting or drawing, however naturalist, belongs to its subject in the way that a photograph does (John Berger Quotes)
When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls. What is to happen next will take place within the four walls of the story. And this is possible because the story’s voice makes everything its own (John Berger Quotes)
You can plan events, but if they go according to your plan they are not events (John Berger Quotes)
Nothing fortuitous happens in a child’s world. There are no accidents. Everything is connected with everything else and everything can be explained by everything else... For a young child everything that happens is a necessity (John Berger Quotes)
Advertising is not merely an assembly of competing messages; it is a language itself which is always being used to make the same general proposal (John Berger Quotes)
The strange power of art is sometimes it can show that what people have in common is more urgent than what differentiates them. It seems to me it’s something that theatre can do, but it’s rare; it’s very rare (John Berger Quotes)
The media network has its idols, but its principal idol is its own style which generates an aura of winning and leaves the rest in darkness. It recognizes neither pity nor pitilessness (John Berger Quotes)
A man’s presence suggests what he is capable of doing to you or for you. By contrast, a woman’s presence... defines what can and cannot be done to her (John Berger Quotes)
Whenever the intensity of looking reaches a certain degree, one becomes aware of an equally intense energy coming towards one through the appearance of whatever it is one is scrutinizing (John Berger Quotes)
The publicity image steals her love of herself as she is, and offers it back to her for the price of the product (John Berger Quotes)
The past is the one thing we are not prisoners of. We can do with the past exactly what we wish. What we can’t do is to change its consequences (John Berger Quotes)
If every event which occurred could be given a name, there would be no need for stories (John Berger Quotes)
Your lips, beloved, are like a honeycomb: honey and milk are under the tongue. And the smell of your clothes is like the smell of my home (John Berger Quotes)
The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight (John Berger Quotes)
To be naked is to be oneself. To be nude is to be seen naked by others and yet not recognised for oneself (John Berger Quotes)
Oil painting did to appearances what capital did to social relations. It reduced everything to the equality of objects. Everything became exchangeable because everything became a commodity (John Berger Quotes)
It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it (John Berger Quotes)
Between the experience of living a normal life at this moment on the planet and the public narratives being offered to give a sense to that life, the empty space, the gap, is enormous (John Berger Quotes)
When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls (John Berger Quotes)
We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves (John Berger Quotes)
What do drawings mean to me? I really don’t know. The activity absorbs me. I forget everything else in a way that I don’t think happens with any other activity (John Berger Quotes)
The animal has secrets which, unlike the secrets of caves, mountains, seas are specifically addressed to man (John Berger Quotes)
Drawing is a way of coming upon the connection between things, just like metaphor in poetry reconnects what has become separated (John Berger Quotes)