John Buchan Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s a great life, if you don’t weaken, (John Buchan Quotes)
Bethink you of the blessedness. Every wife is like the Mother of God and has the hope of bearing a saviour of mankind (John Buchan Quotes)
Civilisation is a conspiracy (John Buchan Quotes)
Leadership is only courage and wisdom, and a great carefulness of self (John Buchan Quotes)
Any large-scale organization must lose some of the merits of its rudimentary beginnings. Quantity will have a coarsening effect on quality (John Buchan Quotes)
The Church of Christ is an anvil which has worn out many hammers. Our opponents may boast of their strength, but they do not realize what they have challenged (John Buchan Quotes)
When a man comes out of great danger, he is apt to be a little deaf to the call of duty (John Buchan Quotes)
Here were we wretched creatures of men making for each other’s throats, and outraging the good earth which God had made so fair a habitation. (John Buchan Quotes)
To live for a time close to great minds is the best kind of education (John Buchan Quotes)
I believe everything out of the common. The only thing to distrust is the normal (John Buchan Quotes)
A fool tries to look different: a clever man looks the same and is different (John Buchan Quotes)
An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support (John Buchan Quotes)
We had our pride shattered, and without humility there can be no humanity (John Buchan Quotes)
The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope (John Buchan Quotes)
Every man at the bottom of his heart believes that he is a born detective (John Buchan Quotes)
It's a great life if you don't weaken (John Buchan Quotes)
Peace is that state in which fear of any kind is unknown (John Buchan Quotes)
The robe of flesh wears thin, and with the years God shines through all things (John Buchan Quotes)
Without humility there can be no humanity (John Buchan Quotes)
He disliked emotion, not because he felt lightly, but because he felt deeply (John Buchan Quotes)
If the Lord sends us war, we have got to face it like men, but God forbid we should manufacture war, and use it as an escape from our domestic difficulties. You can't expect a blessing on that (John Buchan Quotes)
Our sufferings have taught us that no nation is sufficient unto itself, and that our prosperity depends in the long run, not upon the failure of our neighbors but their successes (John Buchan Quotes)
I have heard an atheist defined as a man who had no invisible means of support (John Buchan Quotes)
Today we have fewer dogmas, but I think that we have stronger principles. By a dogma I mean a deduction from facts which is only valid under certain conditions, and which becomes untrue if those conditions change. By a principle I mean something that is an eternal and universal truth (John Buchan Quotes)
A great storm destroys much that is precious, but it may also clear the air and blow down trees which might have been obscuring the view and making our life stuffy, and reveal in our estate possibilities of development that we had not thought of (John Buchan Quotes)
The world was arrogant and self-satisfied, but behind all this confidence there was an uneasy sense of impending disaster. The old creeds, both religious and political, were largely in the process of dissolution, but we did not realise the fact, and therefore did not look for new foundations (John Buchan Quotes)
Any large scale organization must lose some of the merits of it's rudimentary beginnings. Quantity will have a coarsening effect on quality (John Buchan Quotes)
Most true points are fine points. There never was a dispute between mortals where both sides hadn't a bit of right (John Buchan Quotes)
Every wife is like Mary the Blessed and may bear a saviour of mankind. The road is long, but the ways of Heaven are sure (John Buchan Quotes)
I believe that all wisdom consists in caring immensely for a few right things, and not caring a straw about the rest (John Buchan Quotes)