John C Maxwell Quotes

Text Quotes
Coming together is a beginning, and staying together is progress, but only when teams sweat together do they find success (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The primary limitation in life is our low expectations for ourselves and others. When we expect minimum results, that’s usually what we get (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Management is the process of assuring that the program and objectives of the organization are implemented. Leadership on the other hand has to do with casting vision and motivating people (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Needless to say, you can love people without leading them, but you cannot lead people without loving them (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Leaders have two characteristics: first they are going somewhere, and second they are able to persuade other people to go with them (John C Maxwell Quotes)
If you can raise up leaders, you will always have followers, but if you can’t raise up leaders, you will only have followers (John C Maxwell Quotes)
To succeed in life, we must stay within our strength zone but continually move outside our comfort zone (John C Maxwell Quotes)
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who want to get things done, and those who don’t want to make mistakes (John C Maxwell Quotes)
You have to know who you are to grow to your potential. But you have to grow in order to know who you are (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Successful people don’t have any fewer problems than unsuccessful people; they just have a different mindset in dealing with them (John C Maxwell Quotes)
There are three qualities a leader must exemplify to build trust: competence, connection, and character (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it (John C Maxwell Quotes)
So think long and hard about who you’re spending the most time with, for wherever they are headed, so are you (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Find something you like to do so much that you would gladly do it for nothing; then learn to do it so well that people are happy to pay you for it (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Our days are like identical suitcases. Even though they are all the same size, some people are able to pack more into them then others. The reason? They know what to pack (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Perhaps our greatest power in life is the power to choose. Without question, choices are the most determining factor in how our lives turn out (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The great leaders in history were great not because of what they owned or earned but because of what they gave their lives to accomplish. They made a difference! (John C Maxwell Quotes)
It takes a lot of people to create a success. That’s why I say that few leaders are successful unless a lot of people want them to be (John C Maxwell Quotes)
No one achieves greatness by becoming a generalist. You don’t hone a skill by diluting your attention to its development. The only way to get to the next level is focus (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Show me a person who sees himself negatively and I will show you a person who sees others in a negative way (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Our challenge is to think right in a wrong world. Our challenge is to think positive in a negative world (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Since an attitude is often expressed by our body language and by the looks on our faces, it can be contagious (John C Maxwell Quotes)
If you really want to be a successful leader, you must develop other leaders around you. You must establish a team (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Leaders create and inspire new leaders by instilling faith in their leadership abilities and helping them develop and hone leadership skills they don’t know they possess (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Confidence is a characteristic of a positive attitude. The greatest achievers and leaders remain confident regardless of circumstances (John C Maxwell Quotes)
All leaders make mistakes. They are a part of life. Successful leaders recognize their errors, learn from them, and work to correct their faults (John C Maxwell Quotes)
If your desire is to be successful or to make a positive impact on your world, you need to become a person of influence (John C Maxwell Quotes)
You can be a model to the masses, but to go to the higher levels of influence, you have to work with individuals (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Even if you’ve had a negative effect on others in the past, you can turn that around and make your impact a positive one (John C Maxwell Quotes)