John C Maxwell Quotes

Text Quotes
I say, make the decision, and as soon as you make the decision, the rest of your life you just manage that decision on a daily basis. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Successful people don’t have any fewer problems than unsuccessful people; they just have a different mindset in dealing with them. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The highway of life is filled with flat squirrels that couldn’t make a decision (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Positional leaders ignore the fact that every person has hopes, dreams, desires, and goals of his own. And leaders must bring their vision and the aspirations of the people they lead together in a way that benefits everyone. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
It’s easy to have a great attitude when things are going our way...It’s when difficult challenges rise before us...that attitude becomes the difference maker. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Nothing is more difficult to accomplish than changing outward actions without changing inward feelings. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose - a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
If you want to become a better listener, however you need to learn to direct that energy and attention positively by concentrating on the person you’re with. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Goals not only help you develop initial motivation by making your dreams obtainable, but they also help you continue to be motivated and that creates momentum. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The most successful people in life are the ones who settle their critical issues early and manage them daily. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Efficiency is the foundation for survival. Effectiveness is the foundation for success. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The key to becoming a more efficient leader isn’t checking off all the items on your to-do list each day. It’s in forming the habit of prioritizing your time so that you are accomplishing your most important goals in an efficient manner. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Take the emotional temperature of those listening to you. Facial expressions, voice inflection and posture give clues to a person’s mood and attitude. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
People who love life have charisma because they fill the room with positive energy (John C Maxwell Quotes)
You cannot enjoy others until you enjoy yourself because you cannot give to others what you do not have. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Everyone you know and all the people you meet have the potential to be someone important in the lives of others. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
I have found progress, personal growth, and new and exciting opportunities in my failure. I’ve grown more comfortable with the fact that in certain circumstances, I’m the person in the room who knows the least about what’s going on. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
If I expect great things from my people, they’ll go to great lengths to keep from disappointing me. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right it will and at the best possible moment. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of learning: experience, which is gained from your own mistakes, and wisdom, which is learned from the mistakes of others. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
A trustworthy leader goes the extra mile to remedy strained relationships, even when it doesn’t appear to be required. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Faith in people is an essential quality of an influencer when working with others, yet it is a scarce commodity today. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Tenacious people don’t rely on luck, fate, or destiny for their success. And when conditions become difficult, they keep working. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Leadership involves the heavy burden of responsibility, and the fear of getting it wrong can paralyze a leader. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
It was in the mid-70’s, 74 or 75 I started doing leadership conferences for pastors and in 79 I wrote my first book Think On These Things. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Anybody who thinks that they are a leader and doesn’t have anyone following them is just out for a walk. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
The primary limitation in life is our low expectations for ourselves and others. When we expect minimum results, that’s usually what we get. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Effective leaders don’t gather things just for themselves; they do it in order to give to others. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
You can be a model to the masses, but to go to the higher levels of influence, you have to work with individuals. (John C Maxwell Quotes)
Don’t ever be impressed with goal setting. Be impressed with goal getting. (John C Maxwell Quotes)