John Carpenter Quotes
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Text Quotes
I’m always involved with casting my movies. I have final word on it. (John Carpenter Quotes)
I had a talent for scoring films. I just developed it. (John Carpenter Quotes)
When you have no money, you need invention (John Carpenter Quotes)
Horror found me. I got into the movie business to make westerns (John Carpenter Quotes)
There’s nothing better than being in an asylum, if you’re going to have a bunch of crazy people in an asylum, and they’re all beautiful Hollywood actresses. (John Carpenter Quotes)
Fears are all psychological. Being afraid of death, loss of a loved one and disfigurement are all powered by your mind, and that’s very powerful stuff. (John Carpenter Quotes)
You have to fight really hard for a private life, and sometimes you don’t have one. It just gets to you after a while. It’s tough. (John Carpenter Quotes)
I just aim for basketball season to start. I don’t really care about anything else in life. (John Carpenter Quotes)
When I was a kid, I loved ‘The Curse of Frankenstein,’ ‘The Creeping Unknown,’ ‘X: The Unknown.’ I love ‘Forbidden Planet,’ ‘The Thing from Another World.’ They were science fiction/horror movies, generally. (John Carpenter Quotes)
What scares me is what scares you. We’re all afraid of the same things. That’s why horror is such a powerful genre. All you have to do is ask yourself what frightens you and you’ll know what frightens me. (John Carpenter Quotes)
I don’t want to be a part of the demographics. I want to be an individual. I wear each of my films as a badge of pride. That’s why I cherish all my bad reviews. If the critics start liking my movies, then I’m in deep trouble. (John Carpenter Quotes)
Movies are pieces of film stuck together in a certain rhythm, an absolute beat, like a musical composition. The rhythm you create affects the audience. (John Carpenter Quotes)
As for action movies, I did Tarzan, and I’m also about to shoot Meltdown, which John Carpenter wrote (John Carpenter Quotes)
Remakes, in general, are a result of necessity being the mother of invention. They can’t open movies consistently and break through the advertising clutter that’s out there. (John Carpenter Quotes)
One could make money and get a career going with a low-budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you. (John Carpenter Quotes)
It’s a very good time for horror. This business certainly has changed, but there’s still room for serious horror films. Look at 28 Days Later, that’s not a tongue-in-cheek picture. (John Carpenter Quotes)
When somebody who makes movies for a living - either as an actor, writer, producer or director - lives to be a certain age, you have to admire them. It is an act of courage to make a film - a courage for which you are not prepared in the rest of life. It is very hard and very destructive. But we do it because we love it. (John Carpenter Quotes)
I stopped directing in 2001 for four or five years, until I did the TV series ‘Masters Of Horror.’ I had been working steadily as a director since 1970. That’s a long time. I was burned out. (John Carpenter Quotes)
One of my heroes is a composer named James Bernard, and oh my God... I can still listen to his music today and be stirred and moved by it. But I think that you fall in love with... Well, again, when you’re young, it really is more powerful. Much more terrifying. (John Carpenter Quotes)
I’m pretty happy with who I am. I like myself and what I’m doing. I don’t need to be the world’s greatest director or the most famous -- or the richest. I don’t need to make a whole lot of great films. I can do my job and I can do it pretty well. This is the realization I’ve come to, later in life. It’s called growing up. (John Carpenter Quotes)
To make movies you just have to want it enough. You have to have the passion for telling stories. You have to get by the love-of-movies aspect. You can’t just be a movie fan (John Carpenter Quotes)
Evil hiding among us is an ancient theme (John Carpenter Quotes)
I made a decision back in 1978 that, in a trade off for money when I directed Halloween, I would have my name above the title in order to basically brand these movies my own (John Carpenter Quotes)
In England, I’m a horror movie director. In Germany, I’m a filmmaker. In the US, I’m a bum (John Carpenter Quotes)
It’s a very good time for horror. This business certainly has changed, but there’s still room for serious horror films. Look at 28 Days Later, that’s not a tongue-in-cheek picture (John Carpenter Quotes)
One could make money and get a career going with a low - budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you (John Carpenter Quotes)
To make Michael Myers frightening, I had him walk like a man, not a monster (John Carpenter Quotes)
Horror has been a genre since the beginning of cinema, all the way back to the days of silent films. I don’t think it will ever go away because it’s so universal. Humor doesn’t always travel to other countries, but horror does (John Carpenter Quotes)
Anybody can make a movie, if you have the will. The digital revolution has made it very inexpensive to make a film. Anybody who wants to can do it (John Carpenter Quotes)
A lot of it [success] is luck. That’s a huge part of it that no one wants to talk about. You just got to be in the right place at the right time (John Carpenter Quotes)
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