John Coltrane Quotes
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Text Quotes
All of the technique doesn’t matter... only if the feeling is right. (John Coltrane Quotes)
One positive thought produces millions of positive vibrations (John Coltrane Quotes)
Change is inevitable in music - things change (John Coltrane Quotes)
Invest yourself in everything you do. There’s fun in being serious. (John Coltrane Quotes)
Working with Monk is like falling down a dark elevator shaft (John Coltrane Quotes)
I think I know what it is but don’t ask me to play it (John Coltrane Quotes)
God breathes through us so completely... So gently we hardly feel it... yet it is our everything (John Coltrane Quotes)
I think I was first awakened to musical exploration by Dizzy Gillespie and Bird. It was through their work that I began to learn about musical structures and the more theoretical aspects of music (John Coltrane Quotes)
My goal is to live the truly religious life, and express it in my music. If you live it, when you play there’s no problem because the music is part of the whole thing. To be a musician is really something. It goes very, very deep. My music is the spiritual expression of what I am - my faith, my knowledge, my being (John Coltrane Quotes)
I’ve always felt that even though a man was not a Christian, he still has to know the truth some way or another. Or if he was a Christian, he could know the truth. The truth itself doesn’t have any name on it to me. And each man has to find this for himself, I think (John Coltrane Quotes)
During the year 1957, I experienced, by the grace of God, a spiritual awakening which was to lead me to a richer, fuller, more productive life. At that time, in gratitude, I humbly asked to be given the means and privilege to make others happy through music. I feel this has been granted through His grace. ALL PRAISE TO GOD (John Coltrane Quotes)
Any time you play your horn, it helps you. If you get down, you can help yourself even in a rock ‘n’ roll band (John Coltrane Quotes)
If you’re bourgeois, money is it. It’s all the questions and all the answers. Ain’t no E-flat or color blue, only $12.98 or $1,000. If it isn’t money, it isn’t nothing (John Coltrane Quotes)
I start in the middle of a sentence and move both directions at once (John Coltrane Quotes)
I’d like to point out to people the divine in a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to their souls. (John Coltrane Quotes)
When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hang-ups. (John Coltrane Quotes)
Damn the rules, it’s the feeling that counts (John Coltrane Quotes)
You can play a shoestring if you’re sincere (John Coltrane Quotes)
I’m into scales right now (John Coltrane Quotes)
All a musician can do is to get closer to the source (John Coltrane Quotes)
Invest yourself in everything you do. There’s fun in being serious (John Coltrane Quotes)
All of the technique doesn’t matter... only if the feeling is right (John Coltrane Quotes)
The real risk is notchanging. I have to feel that I’m after something. If I make money, fine. ButI’d rather be striving. It’s the striving, man, it’s that I want (John Coltrane Quotes)
Sometimes I think I was making music through the wrong end of a magnifying glass (John Coltrane Quotes)
I would like to bring to people something like happiness. I would like to discover a method so that if I want it to rain, it will start right away to rain. If one of my friends is ill, I’d like to play a certain song and he will be cured; when he’d be broke, I’d bring out a different song and immediately he’d receive all the money he needed (John Coltrane Quotes)
All a musician can do is to get closer to the sources of nature, and so feel that he is in communion with the natural laws (John Coltrane Quotes)
I never even thought about whether or not they understand what I’m doing... the emotional reaction is all that matters as long as there’s some feeling of communication, it isn’t necessary that it be understood (John Coltrane Quotes)
There is never any end... There are always new sounds to imagine; new feelings to get at. And always, there is the need to keep purifying these feelings and sounds so that we can really see what we’ve discovered in its pure state (John Coltrane Quotes)
There are so many things to be considered in making music. The whole question of life itself... I know that I want to produce beautiful music, music that does things to people that they need (John Coltrane Quotes)
When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people (John Coltrane Quotes)
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