John Darnielle Quotes

Text Quotes
The more I learn about stuff the more conscious I become of grave gaps in my knowledge (John Darnielle Quotes)
I think I read too much Arthur Conan Doyle when I was young, and got this idea that a gentleman should know a lot about one thing and plenty about most everything else (John Darnielle Quotes)
I crave music that’ll sort of hurtle me into space and release me up there (John Darnielle Quotes)
There are so many ways to respond to music besides feeling like someone’s communicating with you. It gives me a charge (John Darnielle Quotes)
I enjoy hearing people who are good at their instruments and who’ve found a distinctive voice (John Darnielle Quotes)
In death metal, a lot of guys are Eddie Van Halen disciples, but they take his style to really expressionistic places. It’s a real pleasure for me to hear people pushing their craft (John Darnielle Quotes)
I think listening to a lot of Lou Reed when I was a teenager is what encouraged me to just sing however felt good to me (John Darnielle Quotes)
Anger is preverbal, so, by the time you’re using words to express an angry feeling, you’re already imposing loads of structure on that primal experience (John Darnielle Quotes)
It’s hard always to say what it is one likes about a place, for me. I feel it (John Darnielle Quotes)
I grew up in Southern California, so the whole concept of a local music history is still kinda novel to me (John Darnielle Quotes)
I’m kind of a hermit. Left to my own devices, I won’t submerge myself in anything further afield than the driveway (John Darnielle Quotes)
I just started going to shows. I don’t know how submerged I am: I feel guilty that I don’t get out more, but I really like being inside the house (John Darnielle Quotes)
I am at a place in my life where the more like a cave I can make my surroundings, the happier I am (John Darnielle Quotes)
I’m sort of a cavedweller: I miss my house, my yard, my kitchen, my wife. The trees. When I get home, I like to get down into my office neighborhood as soon as I can (John Darnielle Quotes)
Gender relations are a sad story of men talking trash about women all over the world (John Darnielle Quotes)
I don’t write my own publicity materials, I just read ‘em and give ‘em the OK (John Darnielle Quotes)
I’m not really a goal-oriented guy. I started doing the Mountain Goats just for the sheer hell of it (John Darnielle Quotes)
I grew up around some people whose parents toured a lot: tough on the marriage, tough on the kids (John Darnielle Quotes)
I do have a romantic interest in outlasting everybody else. There’s a sort of sad machismo to singer-songwriters, I think (John Darnielle Quotes)
I just started writing stuff to kill time on summer evenings. This is why I’m always telling people who ask me what they need to do to succeed to give up, do something else (John Darnielle Quotes)
Giving up and doing something else (nursing, for me) was exactly what eventually led me to making music that other people wanted to hear (John Darnielle Quotes)
People will complain that they don’t want to wait around for lightning to strike, but why not? If you invest yourself in chance, the potential for disappointment is pretty low (John Darnielle Quotes)
The studio’s a collaborative environment. I just try to let people bring their own ideas to the songs and see what happens (John Darnielle Quotes)
I seem to get the best work when I’m angry and depressed and alienated (John Darnielle Quotes)
People talk about songwriting or comedy as creative expression, but life is creative expression. Table-making, even nursing, is extraordinarily creative (John Darnielle Quotes)
I am a person of high energy. That, and I sit down and I write when I get an idea - I put other things aside (John Darnielle Quotes)
Anger is preverbal, so, by the time you’re using words to express an angry feeling, you’re already imposing loads of structure on that primal experience. (John Darnielle Quotes)
One of the great things about wrestling is how it interrogates this silly idea that you have one authentic self. (John Darnielle Quotes)
It makes me envious of anybody who can say truly that they don’t care what anybody thinks of what they do, because I care a lot about the people who like my stuff. (John Darnielle Quotes)
If my songs are being listened to between any other songs, that is awesome, and I’m glad people are getting something out of them. (John Darnielle Quotes)