John Donne Quotes

Text Quotes
Full nakedness! All my joys are due to thee, as souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be, to taste whole joys (John Donne Quotes)
And what is so intricate, so entangling as death? Who ever got out of a winding sheet? (John Donne Quotes)
I would not that death should take me asleep. I would not have him merely seize me, and only declare me to be dead, but win me, and overcome me. When I must shipwreck, I would do it in a sea, where mine impotency might have some excuse; not in a sullen weedy lake, where I could not have so much as exercise for my swimming (John Donne Quotes)
We are all conceived in close prison; in our mothers wombs, we are close prisoners all; when we are born, we are born but to the liberty of the house; prisoners still, though within larger walls; and then all our life is but a going out to the place of execution, to death (John Donne Quotes)
To a large degree, since the beginning of time, charisma or the lack of it has impacted upon those in quest of acclaim. As media expands, this has become ever more vital. Thus, demeanor if unappealing, can defeat one’s likelihood of success, causing the death of prospects whilst they are still embryonic (John Donne Quotes)
Is there not yet oppression in the country? A starving of men and pampering of dogs? (John Donne Quotes)
Sleep is pain’s easiest salve, and doth fulfill all offices of death, except to kill (John Donne Quotes)
When I died last, and, dear, I die as often as from thee I go though it be but an hour ago and lovers hours be full eternity (John Donne Quotes)
He was the word that spake it, he took the bread and brake it; and what that word did make it, I do believe and take it (John Donne Quotes)
Up, up fair bride! And call thy stars from out their several boxes; take thy rubies, pearls, and diamonds forth, and make thyself a constellation of them all (John Donne Quotes)
To worthiest things, virtue, art, beauty, fortune, now I see, rareness of use, not nature value brings (John Donne Quotes)
The eloquent blood spoke in her cheeks, and so distinctly wrought, you might have almost said her body thought (John Donne Quotes)
There is a hook in every benefit that sticks in his jaws that takes the benefit, and draws him whither the benefactor will (John Donne Quotes)