John F Kennedy Quotes

Text Quotes
But however close we sometimes seem to that dark and final abyss, let no man of peace and freedom despair. For he does not stand alone (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Every dollar released from taxation that is spared or invested will help create a new job and a new salary (John F Kennedy Quotes)
At the start of 2005 the idea of downloading a song to a mobile phone was an idea, by the end of the year it was a reality (John F Kennedy Quotes)
There is no other airport in the world which serves so many people and so many airplanes. This is an extraordinary airport... it could be classed as one of the wonders of the modern world (John F Kennedy Quotes)
The stories of past courage... can offer hope, they can provide inspiration. But they cannot supply courage itself. For this each man must look into his own soul (John F Kennedy Quotes)
I know few significant questions of public policy which can safely be confided to computers. In the end, the hard decisions inescapably involve imponderables of intuition, prudence, and judgment (John F Kennedy Quotes)
My call is not to those who believe they belong to the past. My call is to those who believe in the future (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Those who do nothing are inviting shame as well as violence. Those who act boldly are recognizing right as well as reality (John F Kennedy Quotes)
I think the success of any school can be measured by the contribution the alumni make to our national life (John F Kennedy Quotes)
There is something that happens when we leave the land and enter the ocean. It’s unexpected, the environment feels strangely welcoming. The ocean almost feels like... home (John F Kennedy Quotes)
The earth, the sea and air are the concern of every nation. And science, technology, and education can be the ally of every nation (John F Kennedy Quotes)
If I had to live my life over again, I would have a different father, a different wife and a different religion (John F Kennedy Quotes)
For plague and pestilence, plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation. The earth, the sea and the air are the concern of every nation (John F Kennedy Quotes)
A great change is at hand, and our task, our obligation, is to make that revolution, that change, peaceful and constructive for all (John F Kennedy Quotes)
There is danger that totalitarian governments, not subject to vigorous popular debate, will underestimate the will and unity of democratic societies where vital interests are concerned (John F Kennedy Quotes)
For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed (John F Kennedy Quotes)
The great free nations of the world must take control of our monetary problems if these problems are not to take control of us (John F Kennedy Quotes)
A medical revolution has extended the life of our elder citizens without providing the dignity and security those later years deserve (John F Kennedy Quotes)
I believe in a president whose religious views are his own private affair, neither imposed by him upon the nation, or imposed by the nation upon him as a condition to holding that office (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Freedom is not merely a word or an abstract theory, but the most effective instrument for advancing the welfare of man (John F Kennedy Quotes)
We must seek, above all, a world of peace; a world in which peoples dwell together in mutual respect and work together in mutual regard (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Sailing has given me some of the most pleasant and exciting moments of my life. It also has taught me something of the courage, resourcefulness, and strength of men who sail the seas in ships (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Irrational barriers and ancient prejudices fall quickly when the question of survival itself is at stake (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Struggle for freedom. Where people are denied the right of choice, recourse to such struggle is the only means of achieving their liberties (John F Kennedy Quotes)
For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future (John F Kennedy Quotes)
We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems, for conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth (John F Kennedy Quotes)
All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin. And therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words ‘Ich bin ein Berliner!’ (John F Kennedy Quotes)
Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder (John F Kennedy Quotes)
I don’t think the intelligence reports are all that hot. Some days I get more out of the New York Times (John F Kennedy Quotes)
I hope that no American will waste his franchise and throw away his vote by voting either for me or against me solely on account of my religious affiliation. It is not relevant (John F Kennedy Quotes)