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John Heywood Quotes

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Better one byrde in hand than ten in the wood  (John Heywood Quotes) What is got over the devil’s back is spent under his belly  (John Heywood Quotes) Tell tales out of school  (John Heywood Quotes) To give importance to trifling matters  (John Heywood Quotes) To say that which is instructive and also pleasing  (John Heywood Quotes) Better is to bow than breake  (John Heywood Quotes) It is good the have a hatch before the durre  (John Heywood Quotes) It takes nine tailors to make a man  (John Heywood Quotes) The wise man sayth, store is no sore  (John Heywood Quotes) A short horse is soone currid  (John Heywood Quotes) Every cocke is proud on his owne dunghill  (John Heywood Quotes) The rolling stone never gathereth mosse  (John Heywood Quotes) Might have gone further and have fared worse  (John Heywood Quotes) It is a foule byrd that fyleth his owne nest  (John Heywood Quotes) Ill wéede growth fast  (John Heywood Quotes) The still sowe eats up all the draffe  (John Heywood Quotes) All is fish that comth to net  (John Heywood Quotes) A fooles bolt is soone shot  (John Heywood Quotes) The moon is made of a green cheese  (John Heywood Quotes) Thrée maie a kepe counsayle, if two be away  (John Heywood Quotes) No man ought to looke a given horse in the mouth  (John Heywood Quotes) I perfectly feele even at my fingers end  (John Heywood Quotes) When the steede is stolne, shut the stable durre  (John Heywood Quotes) Pryde will have a fall;For pryde goeth before and shame commeth after  (John Heywood Quotes) Small pitchers have wyde eares  (John Heywood Quotes) It will not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone  (John Heywood Quotes) There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know  (John Heywood Quotes) The loss of wealth is loss of dirt, as sages in all times assert; the happy man's without a shirt  (John Heywood Quotes) Let the world slide, let the world go; A fig for care, and a fig for woe! If I can't pay, why I can owe, and death makes equal the high and low  (John Heywood Quotes) And once their hasty heat a little controlled, than perceive they well, hot love soon cold. And when hasty witless mirth is mated well, good to be merry and wise, they think and feel  (John Heywood Quotes)
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