John Hughes Quotes

Text Quotes
We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all (John Hughes Quotes)
I so desperately hate to end these movies that the first thing I do when I’m done is write another one. Then I don’t feel sad about having to leave and everybody going away. (John Hughes Quotes)
I like young actors because they’re so unspoiled, not like some of those actors who are about half an hour into their fifteen minutes of fame by the time they get to me. (John Hughes Quotes)
I was obsessed with romance. When I was in high school, I saw ‘Doctor Zhivago’ every day from the day it opened until the day it left the theater. (John Hughes Quotes)
When I go to a concert, I can’t believe that people pay lots of money to see a band that they obviously like and then they dance the whole time. (John Hughes Quotes)
People forget that when you’re 16, you’re probably more serious than you’ll ever be again. You think seriously about the big questions. (John Hughes Quotes)
I find that screen kissing wears very thin very quickly (John Hughes Quotes)
It’s like being at the kids’ table at Thanksgiving - you can put your elbows on it, you don’t have to talk politics... no matter how old I get, there’s always a part of me that’s sitting there. (John Hughes Quotes)
I don’t think I’m making any great statements, and I certainly don’t think I’m making art. (John Hughes Quotes)
I stumbled into this business, I didn’t train for it. I yelled ‘Action!’ on my first two movies before the camera was turned on (John Hughes Quotes)
Maitre D’ : I appreciate your understanding. Ferris: Don’t think twice. It’s understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself (John Hughes Quotes)
I’m a former hippie, so clothes are important to me - your clothes defined you in that period. I guess clothes still defines people. But, I change a lot. I’m in my Brooks Brothers period now (John Hughes Quotes)
Fantastic! Right in the middle of that long stretch between Christmas and Spring Break, your coats are getting dirty, everything’s dark, dingy - what a great time for a movie! (John Hughes Quotes)
At the time I came along, hollywood’s idea of teen movies meant there had to be a lot of nudity, usually involving boys in pursuit of sex, and pretty gross overall. Either that or a horror movie. and the last thing Hollywood wanted in their teen movies was teenagers! (John Hughes Quotes)
It’s like being at the kids’ table at Thanksgiving - you can put your elbows on it, you don’t have to talk politics... no matter how old I get, there’s always a part of me that’s sitting there (John Hughes Quotes)
I was obsessed with romance. When I was in high school, I saw ‘Doctor Zhivago’ every day from the day it opened until the day it left the theater (John Hughes Quotes)
Why watch someone kissing when people really close their eyes when they kiss? (John Hughes Quotes)
I grew up in the 80s and John Hughes was the filmmaker making serious movies for teenagers (John Hughes Quotes)
I so desperately hate to end these movies that the first thing I do when I’m done is write another one. Then I don’t feel sad about having to leave and everybody going away (John Hughes Quotes)
I like young actors because they’re so unspoiled, not like some of those actors who are about half an hour into their fifteen minutes of fame by the time they get to me (John Hughes Quotes)
Advertising was fairly simple work, and I really just wanted a job where I could sit and write every day and not get fired for it like I had at other jobs, but it was fun (John Hughes Quotes)
My generation had to be taken seriously because we were stopping things and burning things. We were able to initiate change, because we had such vast numbers. We were part of the baby boom, and when we moved, everything moved with us (John Hughes Quotes)
It’s been about ten years since I’ve worked with actors who knew their lines! (John Hughes Quotes)
I’d see movies, comedies, and I loved ‘Animal House’, I loved all the John Hughes stuff, but I never saw me and my friends totally represented (John Hughes Quotes)
You can talk about Michael Jackson all you want, but John Hughes was the soundtrack to my 1980s life (John Hughes Quotes)
When I go to a concert, I can’t believe that people pay lots of money to see a band that they obviously like and then they dance the whole time (John Hughes Quotes)
It’s funny, like 15 years ago when I was a kid doing all the John Hughes movies, I remember Bruce Willis was the only guy who was transitioning from television into film (John Hughes Quotes)