John Keble Quotes

Text Quotes
Thou art the Sun of other days. They shine by giving back the rays (John Keble Quotes)
Sun of my soul! Thou Saviour dear, It is not night if Thou be near (John Keble Quotes)
If the Church of England were to fail, it would be found in my parish (John Keble Quotes)
Blest are the pure in heart, for they shall see our God. The secret of the Lord is theirs; Their soul is Christ’s abode (John Keble Quotes)
Abide with me from morn to eve, / For without Thee I cannot live: / Abide with me when night is nigh. / For without Thee I dare not die (John Keble Quotes)
Peace is the first thing the angels sang (John Keble Quotes)
And help us, this and every day, to live more nearly as we pray (John Keble Quotes)
The watchful mother tarries nigh, though sleep has closed her infants eyes (John Keble Quotes)
Time’s waters will not ebb nor stay (John Keble Quotes)
Give us grace to listen well (John Keble Quotes)
As fire kindled by fire, so is the poet’s mind kindled by contact with a brother poet (John Keble Quotes)
Once you make up your mind never to stand waiting and hesitating when your conscience tells you what you ought to do, and you have got the key to every blessing that a sinner can reasonably hope for (John Keble Quotes)
Sweet is the smile of home; the mutual look when hearts are of each other sure (John Keble Quotes)
When you find yourself overpowered, as it were, by melancholy, the best way is to go out and do something (John Keble Quotes)
The childlike faith that asks not sight, waits not for wonder or for sign, believes, because it loves, aright, shall see things greater, things divine (John Keble Quotes)