John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes

Text Quotes
Truth has anciently been called the first casualty of war. Money may, in fact, have priority (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Economic life, as always, is a matrix in which result becomes cause and cause becomes result (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Ideas may be superior to vested interest. They are also very often the children of vested interest (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
American university presidents are a nervous breed; I have never thought well of them as a class (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Who is king in the world of the blind when there isn’t even a one eyed man? (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
In the choice between changing ones mind and proving there’s no need to do so, most people get busy on the proof (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Meetings are a great trap... They are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Do not be alarmed by simplification, complexity is often a device for claiming sophistication, or for evading simple truths (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I never enjoyed writing a book more; indeed, it is the only one I remember in no sense as a labor but as a joy (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Of all the mysteries of the stock exchange there is none so impenetrable as why there should be a buyer for everyone who seeks to sell (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Authorship of any sort is a fantastic indulgence of the ego. It is well no doubt, to reflect on how much one owes to others (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Ideas do not respect national frontiers, and this is especially so where language and other traditions are in common (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Marx profoundly affected those who did not accept his system. His influence extended to those who least supposed they were subject to it (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The massive reduction in risk that is inherent in the development of the modern corporation has been far from fully appreciated (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Only men of considerable vanity write books; consistently therewith, I worried lest the world were exchanging an irreplaceable author for a more easily purchased diplomat (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
In economics, unlike fiction and the theater, there is no harm in a premature disclosure of the plot: it is to see the changes just mentioned and others as an interlocked whole (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Economic theory is the most prestigious subject of instruction and study. Agricultural economics, labor economics and marketing are lower caste fields of study (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
That one never need to look beyond the love of money for explanation of human behavior is one of the most jealously guarded simplification of our culture (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The notion of a formal structure of command must be abandoned. It is more useful to think of the mature corporation as a series of concentric circles (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
It is not the individual’s right to buy that is being protected. Rather, it is the seller’s right to manage the individual (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The overall effect of the rise of the industrial system is greatly to reduce the union as a social force. But it will not disappear or become entirely unimportant (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Agreeable as it is to know where one is proceeding, it is far more important to know where one has arrived (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
All, the intelligent and stupid, diligent and idle, have been swept along on a current of increased output that, in the usual case, owed nothing whatever to their efforts (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
There is wonder and a certain wicked pleasure in these giddy ascents and terrible falls, especially as they happen to other people (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is the one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
What was needed was a policy that increased the supply of money available for use and then ensured its use. Then the state of trade would have to improve (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
It’s a rule worth having in mind. Income almost always flows along the same axis as power but in the opposite direction (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The myth that holds that the great corporation is the puppet of the market, the powerless servant of the consumer, is, in fact one of the devices by which its power is perpetuated (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The huge capacity to purchase submission that goes with any large sum of money, well, this we have. This is a power of which we should all be aware (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)