John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes

Text Quotes
The problem of the modern economy is not a failure of a knowledge of economics; it’s a failure of a knowledge of history (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The inborn instability of capitalism has been part of the history of the system for several hundred years (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I am for a close global association in trade and financial matters, rather than the opposite possibility of excessive nationalism, as manifested in the two world wars (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
There’s no question that in my lifetime, the contrast between what I called private affluence and public squalor has become very much greater (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
From the spring of 1941, I controlled all prices in the United States. You could lower a price without my permission, but you couldn’t raise a price without my permission or that of my staff (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I would put primary emphasis on a good standard of living equitably distributed. It can’t be equal, but one that eliminates the terrible cruelty of poverty (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
You roll back the stones, and you find slithering things. That is the world of Richard Nixon (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Writing is a long and lonesome business; back of the problems in thought and composition hover always the awful questions: Is this the page that shows the empty shell? Is it here and now that they find me out? (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
No one was responsible for the great Wall Street crash. No one engineered the speculation that preceded it. Both were the product of free choice and decision of hundreds of thousands of individuals (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
In a community where public services have failed to keep abreast of private consumption things are very different. Here, in an atmosphere of private opulence and public squalor, the private goods have full sway (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
THE INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM requires that prices be under effective control. And it seeks the greatest possible influence over what buyers take at the established prices (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
In dealing with Mr. Nixon, it is not easy to be unfair. He invites and justifies all available criticism (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The masters thought they were loved until one day one of their favorites farted loudly while serving dinner and the next day was gone. The very first manifestation of the classless society is the disappearance of the servant class (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
A nuclear war does not defend a country and it does not defend a system. I’ve put it the same way many times; not even the most accomplished ideologue will be able to tell the difference between the ashes of capitalism and the ashes of communism (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The American colonies, all know, were greatly opposed to taxation without representation. They were also, a less celebrated quality, equally opposed to taxation with representation (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
The present age of contentment will come to an end only when and if the adverse developments that it fosters challenge the sense of comfortable well-being (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I’m certainly going to support Al Gore because, on the whole, he’s the more sensible figure and you vote not for the perfect but for the best. Coupled with that is a special situation. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Economics is a subject profoundly conducive to cliche, resonant with boredom. On few topics is an American audience so practiced in turning off its ears and minds. And none can say that the response is ill advised. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
A more important antidote to American democracy is American gerontocracy. The positions of eminence and authority in Congress are allotted in accordance with length of service, regardless of quality. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Men will look back in amusement at the pretence that once caused people to refer to General Dynamics and North American Aviation and AT (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I feel very angry when I think of brilliant, or even interesting, women whose minds are wasted on a home. Better have an affair. It isn’t permanent and you keep your job. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Where humor is concerned there are no standards - no one can say what is good or bad, although you can be sure that everyone will. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I Like this quote I dislike this quote In central banking as in diplomacy, style, conservative tailoring, and an easy association with the affluent count greatly and results far much less (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
[The] men of the technostructure are the new and universal priesthood. Their religion is business success; their test of virtue is growth and profit. Their bible is the computer printout; their communion bench is the committee room. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Under capitalism, man exploits man; while under socialism just the reverse is true (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
We shall have a race of men who are strong on telemetry and space communications but who cannot read anything but a blueprint or write anything but a computer program. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
I accept the global complex and global trade more than do some of my liberal colleagues because I consider this a wise alternative to national tension and conflict. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
All crises have involved debt that, in one fashion or another, has become dangerously out of scale in relation to the underlying means of payment. (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Agriculture is one economic activity that does not obey the laws of demand and supply (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and J.F Kennedy were Presidents in very different times (John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes)