John Lancaster Spalding Quotes

Text Quotes
Contradiction is the salt which keeps truth from corruption (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Make thyself perfect; others, happy (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The world is a mirror into which we look, and see our own image (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The important thing is how we know, not what or how much (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
It is unpleasant to turn back, though it be to take the right way (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
If we attempt to sink the soul in matter, its light is quenched (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The zest of life lies in right doing, not in the garnered harvest (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Faith, like love, unites; opinion, like hate, separates (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
If thou wouldst be implacable, be so with thyself (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The will the one thing it is most important to educate we neglect (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Solitude is unbearable for those who can not bear themselves (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
They who can no longer unlearn have lost the power to learn (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The lover of education labors first of all to educate himself (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Altruism is a barbarism. Love is the word (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Break not the will of the young, but guide it to right ends (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Whom little things occupy and keep busy, are little men (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
When one sense has been bribed the others readily bear false witness (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The innocence which is simply ignorance is not virtue (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Reform the world within thyself, which is thy proper world (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Base thy life on principle, not on rules (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
They whom trifles distract and nothing occupies are but children (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Do definite good; first of all to yourself, then to definite persons (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The highest courage is to dare to appear to be what one is (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Your faith is what you believe, not what you know (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
What we love to do we find time to do (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
To learn the worth of a man’s religion, do business with him (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Beauty least adorned is most adorned (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
The best book is but the record of the best life (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)
Have as little suspicion as possible and conceal that (John Lancaster Spalding Quotes)