John Le Carre Quotes

Text Quotes
The friends of my friends are my friends (John Le Carre Quotes)
Never trade a secret, you'll always get the short end of the bargain (John Le Carre Quotes)
A good man knows when to sacrifice himself, a bad man survives but loses his soul (John Le Carre Quotes)
Unfortunately it is the weak who destroy the strong (John Le Carre Quotes)
The more identities a man has, the more they express the person they conceal (John Le Carre Quotes)
Let’s die of it before we’re too old (John Le Carre Quotes)
The fact that you can only do a little is no excuse for doing nothing (John Le Carre Quotes)
Everyone who is not happy must be shot (John Le Carre Quotes)
Home’s where you go when you run out of homes (John Le Carre Quotes)
I can’t think of anybody worse to live with (John Le Carre Quotes)
There is no such thing as a secure writer: every novel is an impossible mountain (John Le Carre Quotes)
He has the gift of quiet (John Le Carre Quotes)
I think that all writers feel alienated. ... I know that I do. ... I still feel, as I think most creative people do, absolutely isolated (John Le Carre Quotes)
I’ve never been able to write a book without one very strong character in my rucksack (John Le Carre Quotes)
[My novels] introduce levels of intelligence ... moral doubt [and] self-doubt, which may not pertain [to real-world espionage] (John Le Carre Quotes)
When you’re my age, you have the feeling sometimes that you’re seeing the show come round again (John Le Carre Quotes)
It’s part of a writer’s profession, as it’s part of a spy’s profession, to prey on the community to which he’s attached, to take away information - often in secret - and to translate that into intelligence for his masters, whether it’s his readership or his spy masters. And I think that both professions are perhaps rather lonely (John Le Carre Quotes)
Once you’ve lived the inside-out world of espionage, you never shed it. It’s a mentality, a double standard of existence (John Le Carre Quotes)
I taught principally German language and literature at Eton. But any master with private pupils must be prepared to teach anything they ask for. That can be as diverse as the early paintings of Salvador Dali or how bumblebees manage to fly (John Le Carre Quotes)
I grew up in a completely bookless household. It was my father’s boast that he had never read a book from end to end. I don’t remember any of his ladies being bookish. So I was entirely dependent on my schoolteachers for my early reading with the exception of The Wind in the Willows, which a stepmother read to me when I was in hospital (John Le Carre Quotes)
Fools, most linguists. Damn all to say in one language, so they learn another and say damn all in that. (John Le Carre Quotes)
When you are brought up as a frozen child, you go on freezing. It wasn’t until I had my four sons, who have brought me immense joy, that I began to thaw. That I realised how utterly extraordinary my childhood was. (John Le Carre Quotes)
In the 60s - and right up to the present day - the identity of a member of the British Secret Services was and is, quite rightly, a state secret. To divulge it is a crime. The Services may choose to leak a name when it pleases them. (John Le Carre Quotes)
I made an awful mess of my first marriage. It was hard to live with me being me. I was so abnormal. I mean, most writers struggle. I hadn’t struggled. I couldn’t suddenly go down to the PEN Club and behave like a normal human being, because most of those guys were struggling to make a couple of thousand pounds a year. (John Le Carre Quotes)
I began writing when I was still in the British Foreign Service, and it was then understood that even if you wrote about butterfly collecting, you used another name. (John Le Carre Quotes)
...also took for granted that secret services were the only real measure of a nations political health, the only real expression of its subconscious. (John Le Carre Quotes)
A spy, like a writer, lives outside the mainstream population. He steals his experience through bribes and reconstructs it (John Le Carre Quotes)
By the age of 9 or 10, I knew that I had to cut my own cloth and make my own way (John Le Carre Quotes)
During the Cold War, we lived in coded times when it wasn't easy and there were shades of grey and ambiguity (John Le Carre Quotes)
History keeps her secrets longer than most of us. But she has one secret that I will reveal to you tonight in the greatest confidence. Sometimes there are no winners at all. And sometimes nobody needs to lose (John Le Carre Quotes)