John McCain Quotes

Text Quotes
I have said from the beginning that Pat Buchanan left the Republican Party the day he questioned America’s involvement in defeating Nazi Germany. (John McCain Quotes)
[While] the primary responsibility, as we all acknowledge, (falls) with the family, ... Our homes, our families, our children’s minds are being flooded by a tide of violence. (John McCain Quotes)
I think I am becoming incapable of being too surprised. But it just makes me sad and sick. (John McCain Quotes)
We must be true to ourselves. And we must be true to others, whether they believe we are or not. (John McCain Quotes)
Because the people of New Hampshire take their responsibilities as citizens of the Republic seriously, they keep it interesting for candidates who, believe it or not, can get a little tired of the mannered, predictable, and unimaginative qualities that typically afflict modern political campaigns. (John McCain Quotes)
I would vote for a Muslim if he or she was the best candidate able to lead the country and defend our political values. (John McCain Quotes)
We make the future better than the past. We don’t hide from history. We make history. (John McCain Quotes)
Remember the words of Chairman Mao: ‘It’s always darkest before it’s totally black.’. (John McCain Quotes)
I think we also ought to prepare the American public, by way of informing them, that Saddam Hussein has these weapons, continues to attempt to improve their capability, and would not be reluctant to export them to other countries, ... So he presents a clear and present danger. (John McCain Quotes)
Just stop at one of these construction sites and look and see who those workers are. They’re all Hispanic, ... And I bet you they’re illegal. (John McCain Quotes)
The benefit of an open town hall meeting is one that you get to hear a lot of different views, and two it has credibility. (John McCain Quotes)
I think that Donald Rumsfeld will go down in history as one of the worst secretaries of defense in history. We are paying a very heavy price for the mismanagement - that’s the kindest word I can give you - of Donald Rumsfeld, of this war. (John McCain Quotes)
We should be I hope finally realizing what Vladimir Putin is. He’s an old colonel, KGB, apparatchik, and he dreams of the restoration of the Russian empire. (John McCain Quotes)
And the people who live in the southern part of my state do not have a secure environment. To wit, there are signs that the government put up that say, ˜Warning. You are in a drug smuggling area and a human smuggling area. (John McCain Quotes)
Our nation’s continued prosperity hinges on our ability to solve environmental problems and sustain the natural resources on which we all depend. (John McCain Quotes)
As almost anyone with war experience knows, you’re never supposed to show the enemy what you won’t do to win. (John McCain Quotes)
We conservatives can win the ideological battles on a level playing field. Our ideas are better. Given fair elections based on contributions from regular voters, instead of $100,000 checks from business-as-usual special interests, we will prevail. (John McCain Quotes)
I have the greatest appreciation for Governor [Sarah] Palin and her family. There`s great joy to know them. (John McCain Quotes)
Under my plan, 85 percent of America will pay no tax or have a flat tax at our lowest rate of 15 percent. (John McCain Quotes)
...Sound foreign policy is more than arms control, foreign aid and paying (United Nations) dues. (John McCain Quotes)
If money is free speech, the big interests are sitting in front with megaphones and the average citizens are sitting in the back. (John McCain Quotes)
I will not agree to have this bill [to repeal DADT ] go forward, because our economy is in the tank. (John McCain Quotes)
I’m not running for president because I think I’m blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need. My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God. (John McCain Quotes)
Many good people mistake their reputation for their character. It is a mistake I have made many, many times. (John McCain Quotes)
When we’re talking about a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, trust me just isn’t good enough. (John McCain Quotes)
While Secretary Rumsfeld and I have had our differences, he deserves Americans’ respect and gratitude for his many years of public service. (John McCain Quotes)
There’s one big difference between me and the others - I won’t take every last dime of the surplus and spend it on tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthy. I’ll use the bulk of the surplus to secure Social Security far into the future to keep our promise to the greatest generation. (John McCain Quotes)
...(W)e lose when by official policy or by official negligence we allow, confuse or encourage our soldiers to forget . . . that which is our greatest strength: that we are different and better than our enemies. (John McCain Quotes)
I strongly support the Second Amendment and I believe the Second Amendment ought to be preserved - which means no gun control. (John McCain Quotes)
You hear it every four years, ... Scare the seniors, scare the seniors. (John McCain Quotes)