John Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s nine months before the election and Bush’s poll numbers have fallen to the exact level that his father’s poll numbers were nine months before he lost to Bill Clinton. Today front runner John Kerry said he’s not superstitious, but just to be on the safe side, he’s going to start f---ing everything that moves (John Quotes)
A number of plastic surgeons are claiming that looking at John Kerry now, as opposed to a few months ago, they believe he’s had Botox shots. They claim a number of his worry lines have vanished. They haven’t vanished, just Howard Dean is wearing them now (John Quotes)
The big winner last night in New Hampshire - Senator John Kerry. He won 39 percent of the vote, which is pretty good, and begs the question, why the long face? (John Quotes)
During the Democratic presidential debate Howard Dean started off by apologizing to the crowd for having a cold. Then John Kerry apologized for once having a cold while serving his country in Vietnam (John Quotes)
John Kerry was the big winner in Iowa. Ted Kennedy introduced Kerry as the ‘comeback kid.’ That used to be Bill Clinton’s name - because every time he would come back to a city, he would find out if he had a kid or not (John Quotes)
The Boston Globe is reporting that Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry used to date actress Morgan Fairchild but it didn’t work out. Apparently she couldn’t handle dating someone with bigger hair then she had (John Quotes)
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry came down pretty hard on fellow candidate Howard Dean this weekend. After Dean misspoke several times, Kerry said you can’t misspeak 15 times in a week and be president. And Bush said, ‘You can’t’? (John Quotes)
Me, Billy Crystal and John Goodman hang out non-stop, and all we do is silly voices. We hang out in a little closet and do voices together (John Quotes)
Technically, ‘Kukla, Fran and Ollie’ was a kids’ show, but adults watched almost religiously - and we’re talking adult adults, celebrated adults - including James Thurber, Orson Welles, John Steinbeck, Adlai E. Stevenson and lyricist Stephen Sondheim (John Quotes)
In my first stand-up acts there wasn’t material even. You know, I’d go on stage and cry and read a Dear John letter or gut fish on stage. I could be odd - and it’s what interested me as a comedian (John Quotes)
I actually did do a musical many years ago with John Waters called Cry-Baby, but technically it was only half me - it wasn’t me singing. Tim’s [ Burton] the only person brave enough to actually let me try to sing (John Quotes)
These days, the House Republicans actually give John Boehner a harder time than they give me. Which means orange really is the new black (John Quotes)
Judged by the stark, sure-footed portrait in Hard Time, Brian Azzarello and Richard Corben clearly have John Constantine down, cold and to the life. Azzarellos grasp of pacing, character and situation resonates through every scene with a black crystal clarity thats short of masterful, while Corben contributes what is, perhaps, one of the most darkly expressive pieces in a long, already-legendary career (John Quotes)
Confession is something we will never outgrow, even if we become the saints God made us to be. Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta were revered even during their lifetime; but both made frequent use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (John Quotes)
In 1960 Americans chose John F. Kennedy because they were ready for change. They were ready for new and better ideas. After six years of scandals and failed policies under the Reagan Administration, Americans are again ready for change and stronger leadership. I love my country. That is why I am seeking the Democratic nomination for president (John Quotes)
A lot of people are now criticizing Attorney General John Ashcroft for his policy on detaining what he considers suspicious people. I think he’s going a little overboard. Today, he arrested the entire band Foreigner (John Quotes)
Attorney General John Ashcroft said there is a new credible terrorist threat. He said everything is under control; not to panic. And then he went back to his harmonically sealed bunker (John Quotes)
American Taliban John Walker Lindh has pleaded guilty to two counts of terrorism and will face twenty years in prison. I guess that means his jihad is on ji-hold (John Quotes)
Oliver North says he is very upset that John Walker could come back to this country and cash in on his celebrity status. He hates to see someone who did something wrong get rewarded by writing a book or getting a TV show out of it (John Quotes)
Did you hear about this 20-year-old kid named John Walker from Northern California who was apparently fighting for the Taliban?... It didn’t take long for the TV networks to jump on this Walker thing. CBS has a new show: ‘Walker: Taliban Ranger.’ (John Quotes)
Is it me or is Bush going everywhere Kerry goes? So far in the past week, President Bush has followed John Kerry to Davenport, Iowa; New Mexico; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; and he follows him to Portland, Oregon. The only place he never followed John Kerry was Vietnam (John Quotes)
Have you noticed how the Republicans and Democrats try to copy each other at their conventions. Like at the Democratic convention John Kerry’s daughter told a story about how he once gave CPR to her hamster. At the Republican convention the Bush girls are going to tell a story about how when their hamster was bad, their dad built them a little electric chair (John Quotes)
President Bush fell off his mountain bike down on his ranch in Texas. A couple weeks ago, John Kerry fell off his bicycle. See, doesn’t this make you miss President Clinton? That guy, he could ride anything without falling off (John Quotes)
President Bush’s campaign is now attacking John Kerry for throwing away some of his medals to protest the Vietnam War. Bush did not have any medals to throw away, but in his defense he did have all his services records thrown out (John Quotes)
I know I’m in the band and everything but sometimes I just have to rock out to the John Frusciante Experience (John Quotes)
The poet’s, commonly, is not a logger’s path, but a woodman’s. The logger and pioneer have preceded him, like John the Baptist; eaten the wild honey, it may be, but the locusts also; banished decaying wood and the spongy mosses which feed on it, and built hearths and humanized Nature for him (John Quotes)
Yes, I would (be a big hit on Dancing with the Stars), but I don’t think I can be wearing those tight outfits they have on there. I’m a very good dancer. I’m the John Travolta of Venezuela. If I was one of the ‘Jersey Shore’ guys and I had their stomach, then hell yeah I would do it (John Quotes)
According to the recent polls, Bush has a slight lead over John Kerry. So today, Bush hung a banner over the White House saying, ‘Mission Accomplished.’ (John Quotes)
President Bush says now he is sticking to his plan for handing over power to the Iraqis on June 30. It’s also part of his plan to hand over power to John Kerry on January 20 (John Quotes)
John Kerry said today he wants to debate President Bush once a month. Hey good luck, if Bush couldn’t make it to the National Guard once a month, he’s not going to show up for this (John Quotes)