John Quotes

Text Quotes
Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me - a simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord (John Quotes)
You have had presidential candidates over the last 30 years who would have had a very hard time getting nominated under the old system. One example is John Kennedy (John Quotes)
I was close to John simply because I liked him as a person. He liked me as a person. We spent a lot of times at one another’s houses back in Liverpool. We spent a lot of time together in Germany (John Quotes)
At religious instruction classes, I encountered The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan, and the sincerity of the traveller in that book was overwhelming (John Quotes)
When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know its got legs (John Quotes)
I began working with the John Muir Institute and then started helping found Friends of the Earth organizations here and there in other countries. That pretty well brings us up to the present (John Quotes)
I know that John Adams has had a very hard time directing French ensembles (John Quotes)
Years on, christine and John still have a deep love for each other, as do Stevie and I - we’ve been working together since I was 17 (John Quotes)
You know, I was never totally thrilled with being a Fleetwood Mac member, but surprisingly, I was having such a good time reuniting with John, mick, and Stevie (John Quotes)
On Being John Malkovich and the cinema of the absurd, I do enjoy it. I wish there were more like it. The very fact that there can’t be more like it is one of the reasons it’s admirable (John Quotes)
We’ve all known a John Tucker. We’ve either known one, dated one or our best friend has dated one. I think a lot of men at one point or another have been a John Tucker (John Quotes)
I feel that I see John Lennon now as not a celebrity. I did then. I saw him as a cardboard cutout on an album cover (John Quotes)
Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas. It makes the whole thing mutual - America sees two John Kerrys (John Quotes)
John Kerry didn’t out me, nor did he offend or attack me by calling me a lesbian. I certainly couldn’t be offended by the truth (John Quotes)
My family has always been there to support me along the way. My coach, john Nicks, is a great influence (John Quotes)
I like Dali and Magritte. I also like the Scottish artist John Byrne, another surrealist (John Quotes)
I’ve talked with John Cale for two decades about what to do about La Monte, and how to get copies of our work (John Quotes)
Frank Capra was a prop man, I think. John Ford was a prop man. It was a little bit of a father and son thing, and you kind of worked your way up (John Quotes)
Although it wasn’t that easy to do, it was wonderful working with John Wayne (John Quotes)
I remember Elton John used to be their owner and he is my favourite singer! I hope the match will be an opportunity to meet Elton John! (John Quotes)
God’s love in John 3:16 is not amazing because the world is so big, but because the world is so bad (John Quotes)
The most wonderful person I met was John Travolta. He’s one of the ultimate movie stars of all time (John Quotes)
I could get a better education interviewing John Steinbeck than talking to an English professor about novels (John Quotes)
It’s the best part of the whole movie. John Malkovich with a pink pig is - you can’t get better than that. Then John Malkovich alone and then you add a pink pig (John Quotes)
Declassified papers report that John Kennedy was taking eight different medications a day. He was so wasted, his Secret Service code name was Ted Kennedy (John Quotes)
I guess when it comes to this privileged White racist feminist movement they respect someone who treats them rough: John Wayne. Frank Sinatra. Phillip Roth (John Quotes)
There was a time when television was sort of frowned upon among people who wanted to be serious artists. John Travolta kind of exploded that. He was one of the [actors] who made that go away (John Quotes)
It was endlessly amusing to me to try to imitate John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s harmonies using the guitar (John Quotes)
As a bit of loner, prone to melancholy, with a questionable sexuality, I found great solace in the words of-Dylan, Joni, John Prine and Leonard Cohen. The darker the better (John Quotes)
Whenever I do get to work with John Barrowman, it is absolutely a joy. We just crack each other up (John Quotes)