John Roberts Quotes

Text Quotes
I asked Chief Justice John Roberts about this definition of life - you know, what is life? The Supreme Court can’t figure it out or doesn’t want us to figure it out; the fact that we know that there is no life if there’s no heartbeat and brainwaves. (John Roberts Quotes)
We are always in awe of what the donors have done in terms of providing of themselves to the recipients. It really is a heroic act because people take on themselves not only a risk of death but also pain-and-suffering in order for their loved one to get the benefit of the liver transplant. (John Roberts Quotes)
People, for reasons of their own, often fail to do things that would be good for them or good for society. (John Roberts Quotes)
A chief justice’s authority is really quite limited, and the dynamic among all the justices is going to affect whether he can accomplish much or not. There is this convention of referring to the Taney Court, the Marshall Court, the Fuller Court, but a chief justice has the same vote that everyone else has. (John Roberts Quotes)
I find that when I tell lawyer jokes to a mixed audience, the lawyers don’t think they’re funny and the non-lawyers don’t think they’re jokes. (John Roberts Quotes)
Legislative novelty is not necessarily fatal; there is a first time for everything (John Roberts Quotes)
President Ronald Reagan used to speak of the Soviet constitution, and he noted that it purported to grant wonderful rights of all sorts to people. But those rights were empty promises, because that system did not have an independent judiciary to uphold the rule of law and enforce those rights. (John Roberts Quotes)
I don’t type on the computer or edit. Law students who went to law school really just a couple years after I did were brought up all on the computers and that’s how they do it, but I was still part of the older school. (John Roberts Quotes)
Confirming John Roberts would endanger much of the progress made by the nation in civil rights over the past half century. (John Roberts Quotes)
If children do not understand the Constitution, they cannot understand how our government functions, or what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens of the United States. (John Roberts Quotes)
It is a great thing about having young children, is that they don’t really care whether you’re the chief justice or whatever, and they do make sure that you have a good perspective on life and what’s important. (John Roberts Quotes)
Justice Rehnquist was friendly and unpretentious. He wore scuffed Hush Puppy shoes. That was my first lesson. Clothes do not make the man. The Justice sported long sideburns and Buddy Holly glasses long after they were fashionable. And he wore loud ties that I am confident were never fashionable. (John Roberts Quotes)
I think judicial temperament is a willingness to step back from your own committed views of the correct jurisprudential approach and evaluate those views in terms of your role as a judge. It’s the difference between being a judge and being a law professor. (John Roberts Quotes)
The Affordable Care Act’s requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may reasonably be characterized as a tax. (John Roberts Quotes)
You don’t doubt that the lobby supporting the enactment of same sex-marriage laws in different states is politically powerful, do you?... As far as I can tell, political figures are falling over themselves to endorse your side of the case (John Roberts Quotes)
The issue of gay marriage has reached the Supreme Court and observers are analyzing every detail to predict how each justice will vote. Experts say Chief Justice John Roberts is likely to rule in favor of gay marriage based on the fact that he spent Tuesday’s hearings watching the Tony Award nominations (John Roberts Quotes)
They’re all focusing on how John Roberts is going to decide Roe v. Wade. That isn’t even the right question. I don’t even know of a case in the (court) system that addresses it (John Roberts Quotes)
It’s now up to the full Senate to move swiftly to confirm John Roberts so he can assume his duties and responsibilities as chief justice when the Supreme Court begins its new term in a matter of weeks. We call on the Senate to confirm John Roberts without delay (John Roberts Quotes)
There were theoretical elements in the subjection of women and it is not possible to avoid the conclusion that a large contribution was made to them by the Church. In part this was a matter of its hostile stance towards sexuality (John Roberts Quotes)
I don’t know whether John Roberts has a twin, perhaps a sister or, uh, someone with a Hispanic last name (John Roberts Quotes)
Nearly everywhere monarchs raised themselves further above the level of the greatest nobles and buttressed their new pretensions to respect and authority with cannons and taxation (John Roberts Quotes)
Confirming John Roberts would endanger much of the progress made by the nation in civil rights over the past half century (John Roberts Quotes)