John Tillotson Quotes
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Text Quotes
Fill each day with light and heart (John Tillotson Quotes)
Great is the advantage of patience (John Tillotson Quotes)
Every man hath greater assurance that God is good and just than he can have of any subtle speculations about predestination and the decrees of God. (John Tillotson Quotes)
Integrity gains strength by use (John Tillotson Quotes)
If God were not a necessary Being of Himself, He might almost seem to be made for the use and benefit of men (John Tillotson Quotes)
With the history of Moses no book in the world, in point of antiquity, can contend (John Tillotson Quotes)
Every Christian is endued with a power whereby he is enabled to resist temptations (John Tillotson Quotes)
Men sunk in the greatest darkness imaginable retain some sense and awe of the Deity (John Tillotson Quotes)
Every man hath greater assurance that God is good and just than he can have of any subtle speculations about predestination and the decrees of God (John Tillotson Quotes)
Next to the wicked lives of men, nothing is so great a disparagement and weakening to religion as the divisions of Christians (John Tillotson Quotes)
Are we proud and passionate, malicious and revengeful? Is this to be like-minded with Christ, who was meek and lowly? (John Tillotson Quotes)
If they be principles evident of themselves, they need nothing to evidence them (John Tillotson Quotes)
Wickedness is a kind of voluntary frenzy, and a chosen distraction (John Tillotson Quotes)
Our belief or disbelief of a thing does not alter the nature of the thing (John Tillotson Quotes)
Abstinence is many times very helpful to the end of religion (John Tillotson Quotes)
Was ever any wicked man free from the stings of a guilty conscience? (John Tillotson Quotes)
The angriest person in a controversy is the one most liable to be in the wrong (John Tillotson Quotes)
Zeal is fit for wise men, but flourishes chiefly among fools (John Tillotson Quotes)
Of all parts of wisdom the practice is the best (John Tillotson Quotes)
Ignorance and inconsideration are the two great causes of the ruin of mankind (John Tillotson Quotes)
Convulsive anger storms at large; or pale and silent, settles into full revenge (John Tillotson Quotes)
We anticipate our own happiness, and eat out the heart and sweetness of worldly pleasures by delightful forethought of them (John Tillotson Quotes)
Virtue and vice are not arbitrary things; but there is a natural and eternal reason for goodness and virtue, and against vice and wickedness (John Tillotson Quotes)
Is not he imprudent, who, seeing the tide making haste towards him apace, will sleep till the sea overwhelms him? (John Tillotson Quotes)
When a man has once forfeited the reputation of his integrity, he is set fast, and nothing will then serve his turn, neither truth nor falsehood (John Tillotson Quotes)
A more glorious victory cannot be gained over another man than this, that when the injury began on his part, the kindness should begin on ours (John Tillotson Quotes)
Religion in a magistrate strengthens his authority, because it procures veneration, and gains a reputation to it. In all the affairs of this world, so much reputation is in reality so much power (John Tillotson Quotes)
Piety and virtue are not only delightful for the present, but they leave peace and contentment behind them (John Tillotson Quotes)
There is no man that is knowingly wicked but is guilty to himself; and there is no man that carries guilt about him but he receives a sting in his soul (John Tillotson Quotes)
If people would but provide for eternity with the same solicitude and real care as they do for this life, they could not fail of heaven (John Tillotson Quotes)
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