John Zimmerman Quotes

Text Quotes
When in doubt, take more time (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Silence is a trick when it imposes. Pedants and scholars, churchmen and physicians, abound in silent pride (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Careers are defined by four minutes on the ice and lives can change forever, emotionally and financially. (John Zimmerman Quotes)
The aging of the U.S. population is a theme that we believe strongly in and the health care sector is really right in the bulls eye of this particular theme. (John Zimmerman Quotes)
When soured by disappointment we must endeavor to pursue some fixed and pleasing course of study, that there may be no blank leaf in our book of life. Painful and disagreeable ideas vanish from the mind that can fix its attention upon any subject (John Zimmerman Quotes)
The aging of the U. S. Population is a theme that we believe strongly in and the health care sector is really right in the bulls eye of this particular theme (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Beauty is often worse than wine; intoxicating both the holder and beholder (John Zimmerman Quotes)
We never read without profit if with the pen or pencil in our hand we mark such ideas as strike us by their novelty, or correct those we already possess (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Liberal of cruelty are those who pamper with promises; promisers destroy while they deceive, and the hope they raise is dearly purchased by the dependence that is sequent to disappointment (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Many have been ruined by their fortunes; many have escaped ruin by the want of fortune. To obtain it, the great have become little, and the little great (John Zimmerman Quotes)
That happy state of mind, so rarely possessed, in which we can say, I have enough, is the highest attainment of philosophy (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Silence is the safest response for all the contradiction that arises from impertinence, vulgarity, or envy (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Indolent people, whatever taste they may have for society, seek eagerly for pleasure, and find nothing. They have an empty head and seared hearts (John Zimmerman Quotes)
In the sallies of badinage a polite fool shines; but in gravity he is as awkward as an elephant disporting (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Pride in boasting of family antiquity, makes duration stand for merit (John Zimmerman Quotes)
We protract the career of time by employment, we lengthen the duration of our lives by wise thoughts and useful actions. Life to him who wishes not to have lived in vain is thought and action (John Zimmerman Quotes)
When we meet with better fare than was expected, the disappointment is overlooked even by the unscrupulous. When we meet with worse than was expected, philosophers alone know how to make it better (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Idlers cannot even find time to be idle, or the industrious to be at leisure. We must always be doing or suffering (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Suicides pay the world a bad compliment. Indeed, it may so happen that the world has been beforehand with them in incivility. Granted. Even then the retaliation is at their own expense (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Fools with bookish knowledge art children with edged weapons; they hurt themselves, and put others in pain (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Conceit and confidence are both of them cheats; the first always imposes on itself, the second frequently deceives others too (John Zimmerman Quotes)
It would be a considerable consolation to the poor and discontented could they but see the means whereby the wealth they covet has been acquired, or the misery that it entails (John Zimmerman Quotes)
In fame’s temple there is always a niche to be found for rich dunces, importunate scoundrels, or successful butchers of the human race (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Though our donations are made to please ourselves, we insist, upon those who receive our alms being pleased with them (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Open your mouth and purse cautiously, and your stock of wealth and reputation shall, at least in repute, be great (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Careers are defined by four minutes on the ice and lives can change forever, emotionally and financially (John Zimmerman Quotes)
Put this restriction on your pleasures, be cautious that they injure no being that lives (John Zimmerman Quotes)