Johnny Hunt Quotes

Text Quotes
You should use your influence to help other platforms succeed (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Integrity gives. It is not a taker (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
The enemy will hit you in your area of strength to discourage himself (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
The stewardship of influence. What have you done with influence? (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
You’re never more like Jesus than when you’re giving (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
There is no such thing as great work without longevity (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
If you know what you got and like it, be reluctant to leave it (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
If your lives connect with other people you have influence (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Some people are into position, not the mission (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
The platform God has given me is the platform of exhortation (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Platforms are established because of the way the Lord used someone (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Influence is about being genuine (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
People who excel at something can rarely tell you how to do something (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Everyone wants to connect with someone who people think is someone (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
You can’t lead people you don’t believe in (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Everyone of you got to where you are because someone influenced you (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Influencers are dreamers. They are leaders with a vision (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Vision sees what could be (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
When God brings deep conviction and I agree with Him about my condition, God restores my confidence in Him. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
You can be genuinely forgiven by God and other people but still suffer the consequences from a particular sin in your life. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Influencers refuse to leave the world they way they found it. They leave a legacy (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
I think one of the reasons our court system wants to remove The 10 Commandments is because The 10 Commandments reminds us we are sinners. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Sin regardless of how you get there is a vulnerable and a dangerous place to be. Living in unforgiveness is living in an unsafe place. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
You can’t receive forgiveness unless you let God deal with your deceit (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
If God gives you a platform where you’re influencing others, you need to steward it well (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
You don’t ever have to teach a kid to do wrong. You have to teach them to do right. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Who influenced you? When did they influence you? How have they influenced you? What have you done with their influence? (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Any moment you’re willing to give up your fig leaves, which you think are covering you, God will give you His righteousness, which will really cover you. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
Every man is a hero or oracle to someone. And that person has enhanced value (Johnny Hunt Quotes)
When a person gets right with God, my eyes are upward...I’m poor in spirit. I’m spiritually bankrupt. (Johnny Hunt Quotes)