Joined Quotes

Text Quotes
Organic compounds exist in which a hydrogen atom, joined to the carbon, acquires acid properties as a result of the proximity of certain functional groupings (Joined Quotes)
And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us (Joined Quotes)
There is nothing I congratulate myself on more heartily than on never having joined a sect (Joined Quotes)
Were a man to order his life by the rules of true reason, a frugal substance joined to a contented mind is for him great riches; for never is there any lack of a little (Joined Quotes)
The laws of changeless justice bind oppressor and oppressed; and, close as sin and suffering joined we march to fate abreast (Joined Quotes)
Our shadows, now parallel, now close together and joined, traced an exquisite pattern at our feet (Joined Quotes)
God has written in the law of nature that when two people are joined in love or friendship, one must always give his heart more perfectly than the other (Joined Quotes)
A rune, hovering like an angel: a shape like two wings joined by a single bar (Joined Quotes)
When armies are mobilized and issues joined, the man who is sorry over the fact will always win (Joined Quotes)
In the depths of the human soul... the desire to give meaning to one’s own life is joined by the fleeting vision of beauty and of the mysterious unity of things (Joined Quotes)
If there were an ounce of courage in this body I would be joined by other senators… saying they will not tolerate this (Joined Quotes)
Thirty spokes are joined in the wheel’s hub. The hole in the middle makes it useful (Joined Quotes)
A mind too vigorous and active, serves only to consume the body to which it is joined (Joined Quotes)
If I had never joined a church till I had found one that was perfect, I should never have joined one at all (Joined Quotes)
If an architect wants to strengthen a decrepit arch, he increases the load laid upon it, for thereby the parts are joined more firmly together (Joined Quotes)
Frugality is good if liberality be joined with it. The first is leaving off superfluous expenses; the last is bestowing them to the benefit of others that need. The first without the last begets covetousness; the last without the first begets prodigality (Joined Quotes)
Sometimes they would sit in the parlor together, both reading – in entirely separate worlds, to be sure, but joined somehow. When this happened, other people in the family couldn’t bring themselves to disturb them. All that could be heard in the parlor was the sound of pages, turning (Joined Quotes)
Beneath the skin, there is fear. Pain. Remorse. Yearning. Desire. A fierce longing for power. All of this. We are joined. It is as if we live in the center of a great storm. Around us the world of the realms revolves like a giant kaleidoscope, images refracted again and again. So many worlds! So much to know (Joined Quotes)
I remember with strong feelings the families who joined our movement and paid dues long before there was any hope of winning contracts. Sometimes, fathers and mothers would take money out of their meager food budgets just because they believed that farm workers could and must build their own union. I remember thinking then that with spirit like that... we had to win. No force on earth could stop us (Joined Quotes)
A peculiar side of credulity is that it is often joined with a proneness to imposture. The association of believing and lying is not characteristic solely of children. They inability or unwillingness to see things as they are promotes both gullibility and charlatanism (Joined Quotes)
We don’t think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That’s true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such (Joined Quotes)
There are some who question the scale of our ambitions, who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans. Their memories are short, for they have forgotten what this country has already done, what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage (Joined Quotes)
Use gentle methods to get whatever good you can from priests and monks who are slaves, as well as from merchants and captives. Resort to severe measures only in extreme cases, for fear lest the hardship they are already enduring in their state of captivity, joined to the strictness you might want to exercise in virtue of your authority, drive them to despair... It is not light they need, but strength, and strength permeates through the external balm of words and good example (Joined Quotes)
From across the woods, as if by common accord, birds left their trees and darted upward. I joined them, flew amount them, they did not recognize me as something apart from them, and I was happy, so happy, because for the first time in years, and forevermore, I had not killed, and never would (Joined Quotes)
For this is our most perfect duty and yet least known to us by nature: Whatever we conceive or will should be joined with the good of our neighbor (Joined Quotes)
They tried to get me to use a pick when I first joined the band. They had certain things they thought were appropriate. I tried to adapt as much as I could (Joined Quotes)
When I joined the band, being that I was going to take this up as a profession, I realized that there were no two finer guitar players in the world that I’d rather play with (Joined Quotes)
Helmet was joined to helmet, and spear to spear, and jewels, baggage, and elephants without number went with them, and you would have said it was a host that none could understand (Joined Quotes)
The minute those two little particles inside a woman’s womb have joined together, billions of decisions have been made. A thing like that has to come from entropy (Joined Quotes)
We cannot afford weakly to blind ourselves to the actual conflict which faces us today. The issue is joined, and we must fight or fail (Joined Quotes)