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Most of the Amazon basin is as flat as a pancake and laced with extravagantly meandering waterways. One school of thought holds that more than 145 million years ago, when Africa and South America were joined, the Amazon’s main stem was connected to the Niger River and actually flowed in the opposite direction, toward the Pacific Ocean. (Joined Quotes)
Love’s but the frailty of the mind, When ‘tis not with ambition joined; A sickly flame, which if not fed expires; And feeding, wastes in self-consuming fires. (Joined Quotes)
I joined forces with the American Cancer Society in 2010 as a spokesperson for the N.F.L.’s ‘A Crucial Catch’ campaign, which benefits the American Cancer Society. This was important to me because I lost my mother to breast cancer, and I have always felt a strong commitment to doing all I can to fight this disease. (Joined Quotes)
The very same British and American families who had combined to wreck the Indian textile industry in the promotion of the opium trade [...] combined to make the trade, a valuable source of revenue. In 1864 they joined forces to create causes for war and to promote the terrible War Between the States, also known as the American Civil War. (Joined Quotes)
Any American who joins al Qaeda will know full well that they have joined an organization that is at war with the United States. Any American who did that should know well that they in fact are part of an enemy... and that the U.S. will do anything that is possible to destroy that enemy to save American lives. (Joined Quotes)
Plenty of people detested Michael Jackson before his death wiped away the world’s collective memory. Timberlake was originally dismissed as just another boy-bander. Legions have joined in a ‘Hate Anne Hathaway’ movement. Elvis, the Rolling Stones, Kristen Bell, even Mozart had haters. (Joined Quotes)
I joined the People’s Armed Forces in 1961 to 1984, and I was also a soldier in the southern battle of Vietnam during the resistance against the Americans. I went to the battlefield in order to regain national independence. (Joined Quotes)
When the Georgian army started this assault against the sleeping city of Tskhinvali, the Georgian peacekeepers, serving in one contingent with their Russian friends, joined the army and started killing the Russian comrades in arms. (Joined Quotes)
I left home at 14 and I have friends who joined the navy and the army performing troops at 9. I know people [like that]. It’s a very straightforward character. (Joined Quotes)
When studio art started being seen as important, I joined Colab, and then I became very involved (Joined Quotes)
In my 20s, when I was a photojournalist in Beijing. I joined an underground art group and put on clandestine exhibitions of my paintings. (Joined Quotes)
Our Father Who Art in Heaven gathered more meaning for me as my own father joined the Maker when I was still in school. (Joined Quotes)
I was on the improv team in high school, and after I graduated, I joined an improv company that had been established 10 years prior to me getting there. They did longform improv, and I fell in love with it. It’s acting, character creation, collaborative, artistic expression and comedy - and it’s scary. It was a big rush. (Joined Quotes)
I joined an all-girl band in Detroit and, although I was a pianist and drummer, I was asked to play bass because no one else wanted to. When I strapped it on, it fit me as good as my leathers. At the first gig we played, I looked out at the audience and thought, ‘This is what I’m going to be doing for the rest of my life.’ (Joined Quotes)
I joined the Madras Christian College but dropped out after three months. Telugu music director Ramesh Naidu asked me to assist him, and I did so for over a year. I did think of rejoining college, but by then, I was discovering the musician in me. I worked with Illaya Raja and Raj Koti and soon shifted to commercials. This led to movie offers. (Joined Quotes)
The professionals are going to be joined by the average Joe. Everybody’s a publisher. (Joined Quotes)
I grew up outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in a little town, and went to a regular high school. I was a... very average student in that high school. Then I joined the Navy, and while I was in the Navy, I was in a motorcycle accident and woke up deaf in a hospital. (Joined Quotes)
After a few awkward moments, Lizzy joined them and they skipped along the avenue, the three of them, laughing and whooping and altogether making an undignified spectacle of themselves. (Joined Quotes)
They rode up the faint marks of the old trace where thousands of sojourners walking and riding both had crossed it and before them the buffalo far back in time. She joined the stream of humanity that had gone down that road, just one more story in a stream of narratives both likely and unlikely that were being told somewhere even now, by someone, in a far place. (Joined Quotes)
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers - joined in the serious business of keeping our food, shelter, clothing and loved ones from combining with oxygen. (Joined Quotes)
I grew up playing the saxophone. I joined the jazz band in high school, but somewhere along the way I realized the guys who strummed acoustic guitars at parties were the ones who got the attention. So I asked a friend to show me a few chords, and when I moved to L.A. I spent a lot of time practicing my guitar. (Joined Quotes)
Before I joined professional baseball, I started umpiring in San Diego, California. I worked 155 games in a five-month season. For three years in a row, I was working tripleheaders on Saturday and doubleheaders on Sunday. (Joined Quotes)
I never joined the army because at ease was never that easy to me. Seemed rather uptight still. I don’t relax by parting my legs slightly and putting my hands behind my back. That does not equal ease. At ease was not being in the military. I am at ease, bro, because I am not in the military. (Joined Quotes)
There is nothing more enjoyable than being a member of an enlightened group of people that meets in complete darkness in complete secrecy. I have no idea why the other members joined, when they joined, how they joined, or if, in fact, there are any other members. (Joined Quotes)
I was very serious about being a priest, twice in my life. Almost joined the Montfort Seminary after I graduated from high school. Almost went back in the seminary during college. (Joined Quotes)
When I joined the band, being that I was going to take this up as a profession, I realized that there were no two finer guitar players in the world that I’d rather play with. (Joined Quotes)
Ambition has to be joined with expectancy. A sense that you have a dream for yourself that you believe can happen. (Joined Quotes)
We joined a Conservative synagogue. I began learning through engagement, rote and reading. Suddenly, I belonged... well, to the extent that a novelist can ever feel she is part of a group; we may be part of a minyan, but we’re not fully merged into the community. (Joined Quotes)
Some taxpayers may object to a print journalism bailout on the grounds that it mostly benefits the liberal elite. And we can’t blame taxpayers for being reluctant to subsidize the reportorial careers of J-school twerps who should have joined the Peace Corps and gone to Africa to ‘speak truth to power’ to Robert Mugabe. (Joined Quotes)
With my wife I don’t get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to ‘the best woman a man ever had.’ The waiter joined me. (Joined Quotes)