Jon Foreman Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m very reluctant to put my words into God’s mouth (Jon Foreman Quotes)
My dying planet needs to see what the body of Christ looks like (Jon Foreman Quotes)
There’s a time to be silent - to build up a reason to sing again (Jon Foreman Quotes)
All music is worship. It just depends on what you’re worshipping (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Hope is not a substitute for pain. Hope is in spite of pain (Jon Foreman Quotes)
We were meant to live for so much more (Jon Foreman Quotes)
If it doesn’t break your heart it isn’t love (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Music is admitted under the skin without permission (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Music will always be judged by our subjective ears (Jon Foreman Quotes)
It was a beautiful letdown, the day I knew, that all the riches this world had to offer me, will never do (Jon Foreman Quotes)
It’s a good thing my parents named me Jon because that’s what everyone calls me (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Jesus Christ’s mercy and power indwells us and gives us the strength to make a positive difference (Jon Foreman Quotes)
The kingdom of heaven is comprised of the broken, the fatherless, the poor, the starving. Nothing that could create good ratings for NBC (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Switchfoot is a surfing term… To switch your feet means to take a new stance facing the opposite direction. It’s about change and movement, a different way of approaching life and music (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Let me know that you hear me, let me know Your touch, let me know that You love me, and let that be enough (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Sometimes it can be really hard in our fast paced society to slow ourselves down enough to begin to listen to God’s voice. The dilemma exists in my position as well. To be a follower of Christ is to emulate Him. When He went off alone into the desert to pray, He was teaching a valuable lesson (Jon Foreman Quotes)
The biggest problem facing our world today is a lack of hope and a lack of meaning. [It’s] basically just a postmodern world in which there is no right or wrong, no better or worse (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Being a creator of a song I get to take all these broken fragments of failure and chaos and weave together something beautiful and meaningful. Decay. Death. Pain. Fall. And if God is a songwriter then these fallen leaves of mine can be redeemed (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Surfing and music were incredible outlets for me when I was a kid. And there are some really tricky times when you’re growing up and it’s easy to make a wrong decision, even with a good family and community around you. Surfing and music kept me out of trouble (Jon Foreman Quotes)
For me, even if I’m not a fan of the band in general or maybe it’s not the style of music I want to put on for my daughter and me when we’re waking up in the morning, there’s always something that I can learn from it. And I think those are the things that are surprising (Jon Foreman Quotes)
If you truly love someone, you’re going to be pure because true love comes from God, and God tells us to remain pure. That’s good enough for me (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Just as drowning cannot be equated with swimming, mere existence is not the same as abundant life. We have been offered a new way to live ” a new way to be human (Jon Foreman Quotes)
I have horrible acting ability. I can only be one thing and that’s it. So for better, for worse, that’s all I’ve got to offer is me. I’ve got nothing else (Jon Foreman Quotes)
It was a beautiful letdown, the day I knew, that all the riches this world had to offer me, will never do. (Jon Foreman Quotes)
The life, when we’re aware of beauty, is kind of a bittersweet thing, it’s a transient reminder of eternal beauty, which someday we will be face to face with. (Jon Foreman Quotes)
Music is mere tuning a song with words; to some degree you have a beautiful endeavor of cosigning God’s blank checks and you’re actually co-creating. You’re certainly not the creator with the capital C, but you’re embarking on an endeavor, you’re using the building blocks that have been given to you by the author of time and space. (Jon Foreman Quotes)
My challenge is, do not run away from the hard questions. Truly ask yourself what’s worth living for in this life. (Jon Foreman Quotes)
I think that’s the beauty of live music - creating from the destruction (Jon Foreman Quotes)
From the shore, the ocean is forever. It’s a beautiful, dangerous place. Music is tied to the sea, born from the struggle, looking for hope. Because hope belongs in the dark places. (Jon Foreman Quotes)