Jonathan Kozol Quotes

Text Quotes
Governor Romney has said nothing about preschool. I think that giving the poorest kids in America wonderful preschool, and three years of it, starting when they are two-and-a-half, is absolutely crucial. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Businessmen are not in business to lose customers, and schools do not exist to free their clients from the agencies of mass persuasion. School and media possess a productive monopoly upon the imagination of a child. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Children, of course, don’t understand at first that they are being cheated. They come to school with a degree of faith and optimism, and they often seem to thrive during the first few years. It is sometimes not until the third grade that their teachers start to see the warning signs of failure. By the fourth grade many children see it too. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
I’d love to go back and teach primary school. I used to teach fourth grade and fifth grade. I’d love to spend several years teaching kindergarten or maybe third grade. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
So long as the most vulnerable people in our population are consigned to places that the rest of us will always shun and flee and view with fear, I am afraid that educational denial, medical and economic devastation, and aesthetic degradation will be inevitable. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
The recklessness with which we sacrifice our sense of decency to maximize profit in the factory farming process sets a pattern for cruelty to our own kind. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
No matter what happens in a child’s home, no matter what other social and economic factors may impede a child, there’s no question in my mind that a first-rate school can transform almost everything. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
I encourage teachers to speak in their own voices. Don’t use the gibberish of the standards writers. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
All of my education at Harvard, then Oxford, then Paris was in literature - even my thesis was on Shakespeare. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
I do get scared about the physical danger from drug dealers. But it’s not in the same league as the danger I feel eating an $80 lunch with my privileged friends to discuss hunger and poverty. That’s when my soul feels imperiled. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
No Child Left Behind widens the gap between the races more than any piece of educational legislation I’ve seen in 40 years. It denies inner-city kids the critical-thinking skills to interrogate reality. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
No Child Left Behind’s fourth-grade gains aren’t learning gains, they’re testing gains. That’s why they don’t last. The law is a distraction from things that really count. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
We know that segregation is evil. We know that the sickest children should not go to the worst hospitals. No, I refuse to pretend the problem is insufficient knowledge. We lack the theological will to do it. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
The ‘niche’ effect of charter schools guarantees a swift and vicious deepening of class and racial separation. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Now, I don’t expect what I write to change things. I think I write now simply as a witness. This is how it is. This is what we have done. This is what we have permitted. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Instead of seeing these children for the blessings that they are, we are measuring them only by the standard of whether they will be future deficits or assets for our nation’s competitive needs. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
I have always felt my role was to do anything I could to enable the powerless to speak. I want America to hear these voices because they are beautiful voices. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
I believe we need a national amendment which will guarantee every child in America the promise of not just an equal education but a high-quality equal education. (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
You need massive recruitment to tell the poorest of the poor what is possible (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Charity isn’t a good substitute for justice (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
False hope is worse than despair (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Racial segregation has come back to public education with a vengeance (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
In public schooling, social policy has been turned back almost one hundred years (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
I am opposed to the use of public funds for private education (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Young children give us glimpses of some things that are eternal (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Wonderful teachers should never let themselves be drill sergeants for the state (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Separate and unequal didn’t work 100 years ago. It will not work today (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Apartheid education, rarely mentioned in the press or openly confronted even among once-progressive educators, is alive and well and rapidly increasing now in the United States (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Even if you never do anything about this, you’ve benefited from an unjust system. You’re already the winner in a game that was rigged to your advantage from the start (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)
Children, of course, don’t understand at first that they are being cheated. They come to school with a degree of faith and optimism, and they often seem to thrive during the first few years. It is sometimes not until the third grade that their teachers start to see the warning signs of failure. By the fourth grade many children see it too (Jonathan Kozol Quotes)