Jonathan Swift Quotes

Text Quotes
When I am in danger of bursting, I will go and whisper among the reeds (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
A wise man will find us to be rogues by our faces (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
There are few, very few, that will own themselves in a mistake (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
We are so fond on one another because our ailments are the same (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Fine words! I wonder where you stole them (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Everybody wants to live forever, but nobody wants to grow old (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
A carpenter is known by his chips (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitchfork (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
This wine should be eaten, it is too good to be drunk (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Wise people are never less alone than when they are alone (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
For want of a block, man will stumble at a straw (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
An atheist has got one point beyond the devil (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
An excuse is a lie guarded (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Many a truth is told in jest (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
A secret is seldom safe in more than one breast (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
He was a bold man that first eat an oyster (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
We are so fond of one another, because our ailments are the same (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Tis very warm weather when one’s in bed (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Proper words in proper places, make the true definition of a style (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
I shall be like that tree; I shall die from the top (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Where savage indignation can lacerate his heart no more (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
As boys do sparrows, with flinging salt upon their tails (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
He made it a part of his religion never to say grace to his meat (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
I said the thing which was not (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
The sight of you is good for sore eyes (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Tis as cheap sitting as standing (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
She wears her clothes, as if they were thrown on her with a pitchfork (Jonathan Swift Quotes)
Fingers were made before forks, and hands before knives (Jonathan Swift Quotes)