Jonathan Turley Quotes

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There’s nothing more dangerous than a place that doesn’t exist (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
There’s no question that Roberts will vote like William Rehnquist... If he swings, it will be from right to far right (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
For states’ rights advocates, the Constitution is like a contract that is openly violated by one party with impunity. On paper, the states remain sovereign powers, while in reality the federal government appears able to dictate everything from the ingredients of school lunches to speed limits. Congress now routinely collects taxes in order to return the money to the states with conditions on their conforming to federal demands (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
The Republican and Democratic parties have accomplished an amazing feat with the red state/blue state paradigm. They’ve convinced everyone that regardless of how bad they are, the other guy is worse. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
Few people know that President Obama has used drone attacks many times more than Bush ever did. Obama’s off the charts in terms of drone attack. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
For many, the recent disclosure of massive warrantless surveillance programs of all citizens by the Obama administration has brought back memories of George Orwell’s 1984.’ Another Orwell book seems more apt as the White House and its allies try to contain the scandal: ‘Animal Farm.’ (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
People don’t realize that the Obama Administration has been, if anything, harder on whistleblowers than the Bush Administration. Part of the reason is that they know that the response will be more muted because the traditional constituency supporting whistleblowers just happen to be the same constituency as Obama’s. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
Our carefully constructed system of checks and balances is being negated by the rise of a fourth branch, an administrative state of sprawling departments and agencies that govern with increasing autonomy and decreasing transparency. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
Under the common law, one of the more controversial rules is the ‘no duty to rescue rule’ that says that, if you were not responsible for placing someone in danger or risk, you have no obligation to help them, even when it would cost little to save their life. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
There’s a misconception about Barack Obama as a former constitutional law professor. First of all, there are plenty of professors who are ‘legal relativists.’ They tend to view legal principles as relative to whatever they’re trying to achieve. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
Frankly, most governments are used to lying to each other - to a degree that most people would find shocking. Part of diplomacy is the art of strategic lying. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
Bill Clinton was impeached primarily for criminal conduct: lying under oath and misleading a federal grand jury about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Nixon would have been impeached for a wide array of criminal acts, as well as abuses of power. (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
I’m making tapes for insomniacs to use in the future. I’m going to sell them as a kit to cure insomnia (Jonathan Turley Quotes)
It’s highly ironic that it was the conservatives on the court who overturned so many statutes (Jonathan Turley Quotes)