Joni Mitchell Quotes

Text Quotes
When the spirit of child’s play enters into the creative process, it’s a wonderful force and something to be nurtured (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
The rock and roll industry is very incestuous, and we have all been close at one time or another. A lot of beautiful music and a lot of beautiful times came from that. A lot of pain, too, because, inevitably, different relationships broke up (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
All my battles were with male egos. I’m just looking for equality, not to dominate. But I want to be able to control my vision (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
They’ll crucify you for staying the same, and they’ll crucify you for change. I’d rather be crucified for changing (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
He saw my complications and he mirrored me back simplified, and we laughed how our perfect world would always be denied (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
I’m drinking champagne, got the head phones up high, can’t numb you out (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Inside your own self pity there you swim, in sinking down to drown her voice still haunts you, and only with your laughter can you win (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
He’s swept with the broom of contempt and the rooms have an empty ring (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Innocence is drowned in anarchy. The best lack conviction given time to think, and the worst are full of passion without mercy (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
A few drinks later you’re not so choosy when the closing lights strip off the shadows on this strange new flesh you’ve found (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Everybody’s saying hell’s the hippest way to go. Well, I don’t think so, but I’m gonna take a look around it though (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air and feather canyons everywhere, I’ve looked at clouds that way (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
You snipe so steady, you snub so snide, so rip and ready to diminish and deride (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Land of snap decisions, land of short attention spans, nothing is savored long enough to really understand (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Lord, there’s danger in this land, you get witch hunts and wars when church and state hold hands (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
The land of litigation, the courts are like game shows. Take what’s behind the curtain the jury cries (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
The pirate he will sink you with a kiss, he’ll steal your heart and sail away (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Fly silly sea bird, no dreams can possess you, no voices can blame you for sun on your wings (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
We’re captive on the carousel of time, we can’t return we can only look behind (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
The only thing I have to give to make you smile, to win you with, are all the mornings still to live (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
They used to laugh at me when I refused to ride on all those double decker buses, all because there was no driver on the top (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
At the point where I’m trying to force something and it’s not happening, and I’m getting frustrated with, say, writing a poem, I can go and pick up the brushes and start painting. At the point where the painting seems to not be going anywhere, I go and pick up the guitar (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
You could write a song about some kind of emotional problem you are having, but it would not be a good song, in my eyes, until it went through a period of sensitivity to a moment of clarity. Without that moment of clarity to contribute to the song, it’s just complaining (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
I think I would go further into fine arts, I think, if I were to continue (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
I don’t like being too looked up at or too looked down on. I prefer meeting in the middle to being worshipped or spat out (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Any time I make a record it’s followed by a painting period. It’s good crop rotation (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
My friends and I took songwriting very, very seriously. My hero was and still is Bob Dylan, but also people like Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell and that whole generation (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
Chelsea Morning is a great Joni Mitchell song and I guess I’m partial to her lyrics because they show me a slightly different perspective on life (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
I would make tea for Joni Mitchell or clean her car, anything to be in the studio and watch her work (Joni Mitchell Quotes)
I’ve been watching a lot of Joni Mitchell YouTube clips and I can’t believe her transformation from this folk singer in Canada (Joni Mitchell Quotes)