Jose Saramago Quotes

Text Quotes
Look what happened with the employment law in France-the law was withdrawn because the people marched in the streets. I think what we need is a global protest movement of people who won’t give up (Jose Saramago Quotes)
We live in a very peculiar world. Democracy isn’t discussed, as if it was taken for granted, as if democracy had taken God’s place, who is also not discussed (Jose Saramago Quotes)
A writer is a man like any other: he dreams. And my dream was to be able to say of this book, when I finished: ‘This is a book about Alentejo’ (Jose Saramago Quotes)
I can’t imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement. Yes, I’m a writer, but I live in this world, and my writing doesn’t exist on a separate level. And if people know who I am and read my books, well, good; that way, if I have something more to say, then everyone benefits. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
In the end, I am quite normal. I don’t have odd habits. I don’t dramatize. Above all, I do not romanticize the act of writing. I don’t talk about the anguish I suffer in creating. I do not have a fear of the blank page, writer’s block, all those things that we hear about writers. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
You have no idea what it is like to watch two blind people fighting. Fighting has always been, more or less, a form of blindness. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Human nature is, by definition, a talkative one, imprudent, indiscreet, gossipy, incapable of closing its mouth and keeping it closed. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
... that’s how life should be, when one person loses heart, the other must have heart and courage enough for both. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
A writer’s definitive death is when no one reads his books anymore. That’s the final death. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
We’re not short of movements proclaiming that a different world is possible, but unless we can coordinate them into an international movement, capitalism just laughs at all these little organisations. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
To continue living, we have to die. That’s the story of humanity - generation after generation - that we are going to die. There’s nothing dramatic about death except that one loses one’s life. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
The U.S. needs to control the Middle East, the gateway to Asia. It already has military installations in Uzbekistan. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Dignity has no price ... when someone starts making small concessions, in the end life loses all meaning. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Death is present every day in our lives. It’s not that I take pleasure in the morbid fascination of it, but it is a fact of life. (Jose Saramago Quotes) matters of feeling and of the heart, too much is always better than too little. (Jose Saramago Quotes)
I am a person with leftist convictions, and always have been (Jose Saramago Quotes)
There are plenty of reasons not to put up with the world as it is (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Blind people do not need a name, I am my voice, nothing else matters (Jose Saramago Quotes)
You know the name you were given, You do not know the name you have (Jose Saramago Quotes)
No life is without it's lies (Jose Saramago Quotes)
That it's possible not to see a lie even when it's in front of us (Jose Saramago Quotes)
perhaps that's how you learn, by answering questions (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Consciences keep silence more often than they should, that's why laws were created (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Destiny isn't taken in by people trying to make what came first come afterwards (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Even the strongest spirits have the moments of irresistible weakness (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Earthenware is like people, it needs to be well treated (Jose Saramago Quotes)
The only time we can talk about death is while we're alive, not afterwards (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Where do begin, he asked, where you always have to begin, at the beginning (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Each part in itself constitutes the whole to which it belongs (Jose Saramago Quotes)
Age carries with it a double load of guilt (Jose Saramago Quotes)