Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes
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Text Quotes
The perennial gale of creative destruction (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
In one important sense, Marxism is a religion. To the believer it presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions; and, secondly, a guide to those ends which implies a plan of salvation and the indication of the evil from which mankind, or a chosen section of mankind, is to be saved (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Why should we stunt our ambitions and impoverish our lives in order to be insulted and looked down upon in our old age (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
I know that it is not enough to be remembered for books and theories. One does not make a difference unless it is a difference in people’s lives (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
It is, after all, only common sense to realize that, but for the fact that economic life is a process of incessant internal change, the business cycle, as we know it, would not exist (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Pessimistic visions about almost anything always strike the public as more erudite than optimistic ones (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
It is not true that democracy will always safeguard freedom of conscience better than autocracy. Witness the most famous of all trials. Pilate was, from the standpoint of the Jews, certainly the representative of autocracy. Yet he tried to protect freedom. And he yielded to a democracy (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
To the believer Marxism presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
The essential point to grasp is that in dealing with capitalism we are dealing with an evolutionary process (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
The typical citizen drops down to a lower level of mental performance as soon as he enters the political field. He argues and analyzes in a way which he would readily recognize as infantile within the sphere of his real interests. He becomes primitive again (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
We always plan too much and always think too little. We resent a call to thinking and hate unfamiliar argument that does not tally with what we already believe or would like to believe (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Lack of outlets, excess capacity, complete deadlock, in the end regular recurrence of national bankruptcies and other disasters-perhaps world wars from sheer capitalist despair-may confidently be anticipated. History is as simple a that (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Surely, nothing can be more plain or even more trite common sense than the proposition that innovation [...] is at the center of practically all the phenomena, difficulties, and problems of economic life in capitalist society (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Politicians are like bad horsemen who are so preoccupied with staying in the saddle that they can’t bother about where they’re going. (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Democracy is a political method, that is to say, a certain type of institutional arrangement for arriving at political - legislative and administrative - decisions and hence incapable of being an end in itself. (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Capitalism inevitably and by virtue of the very logic of its civilization creates, educates and subsidizes a vested interest in social unrest. (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
For the duration of its collective life, or the time during which its identity may be assumed, each class resembles a hotel or an omnibus, always full, but always of different people. (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
It is, after all, only common sense to realize that, but for the fact that economic life is a process of incessant internal change, the business cycle, as we know it, would not exist. (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
The metal of economic theory is in Marx’s pages immersed in such a wealth of steaming phrases as to acquire a temperature not naturally its own. (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
This civilization is rapidly passing away, however. Let us rejoice or else lament the fact as much as everyone of us likes; but do not let us shut our eyes to it (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Economic progress, in capitalist society, means turmoil (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Marxism is essentially a product of the bourgeois mind (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Gentlemen, a depression is for capitalism like a good, cold douche (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Nothing is so retentive as a nation’s memory (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
The capitalist process shapes things and souls for socialism (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Nothing is so treacherous as the obvious (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
We always plan too much and always think too little (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
The modern mind dislikes gold because it blurts out unpleasant truths (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
Can capitalism survive? No. I do not think it can (Joseph A Schumpeter Quotes)
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