Joseph Addison Quotes

Text Quotes
Of all hardness of heart there is none so inexcusable as that of parents toward their children. An obstinate, inflexible, unforgiving temper is odious upon all occasions; but here it is unnatural (Joseph Addison Quotes)
If friends to a government forbear their assistance, they put it in the power of a few desperate men to ruin the welfare of those who are superior to them in strength and interest (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Music is the only sensual gratification which mankind may indulge in to excess without injury to their moral or religious feelings (Joseph Addison Quotes)
In the loss of an object we do not proportion our grief to the real value it bears, but to the value our fancies set upon it (Joseph Addison Quotes)
There is nothing which one regards so much with an eye of mirth and pity as innocence when it has in it a dash of folly (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Misery and ignorance are always the cause of great evils. Misery is easily excited to anger, and ignorance soon yields to perfidious counsels (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Novelty serves us for a kind of refreshment, and takes off from that satiety we are apt to complain of in our usual and ordinary entertainments (Joseph Addison Quotes)
It is pleasant to see a notorious profligate seized with a concern for religion, and converting his spleen into zeal (Joseph Addison Quotes)
In short, heaven is not to be looked upon only as the reward, but as the natural effect, of a religious life (Joseph Addison Quotes)
There is no passion that is not finely expressed in those parts of the inspired writings which are proper for divine songs and anthems (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Among those evils which befall us, there are many which have been more painful to us in the prospect than by their actual pressure (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A well regulated commerce is not, like law, physic, or divinity, to be overstocked with hands; but, on the contrary, flourishes by multitudes, and gives employment to all its professors (Joseph Addison Quotes)
They consume a considerable quantity of our paper manufacture, employ our artisans in printing, and find business for great numbers of indigent persons (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Mankind are more indebted to industry than ingenuity; the gods set up their favors at a price, and industry is the purchaser (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A true critic ought rather to dwell upon excellences than imperfections, to discern the concealed beauties of a writer, and communicate to the world such things as are worth their observation (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I think I may define it to be the faculty of the soul which discerns the beauties of an author with pleasure, and the imperfections with dislike (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Others proclaim the infirmities of a great man with satisfaction and complacence, if they discover none of the like in themselves (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Music when thus applied raises in the mind of the hearer great conceptions. It strengthens devotion, and advances praise into rapture (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I have always preferred cheerfulness to mirth. The latter I consider an art, the former as a habit of mind. Mirth is short and transient, cheerfulness fixed and permanent (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Tom, hinted at his dislike at some trifle is mistress had said; she asked him how he would talk to her after marriage if he talked at this rate before (Joseph Addison Quotes)
It is always to be understood that a lady takes all you detract from the rest of her sex to be a gift to her (Joseph Addison Quotes)
One of the most important, but one of the most difficult things to a powerful mind is to be its own master; a pond may lay quiet in a plain, but a lake wants mountains to compass and hold it in (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Virtues that shun the day, and lie concealed in the smooth seasons and the calm of life (Joseph Addison Quotes)
As for the ass’s behavior in such nice circumstances; whether he would starve sooner than violate his neutrality to the two bundles of hay, I shall not presume to determine (Joseph Addison Quotes)
It is wonderful to see persons of sense passing away a dozen hours together in shuffling and dividing a pack of cards (Joseph Addison Quotes)
It is of unspeakable advantage to possess our minds with an habitual good intention, and to aim all our thoughts, words, and actions at some laudable end (Joseph Addison Quotes)
True religion and virtue give a cheerful and happy turn to the mind, admit of all true pleasures, and even procure for us the highest (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I am sick of this bad world! The daylight and the sun grow painful to me (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Dependence is a perpetual call upon humanity, and a greater incitement to tenderness and pity than any other motive whatever (Joseph Addison Quotes)
This party spirit has so ill an effect on our morals, it has likewise a very great one upon our judgments (Joseph Addison Quotes)