Joseph Addison Quotes

Text Quotes
A wealthy doctor who can help a poor man, and will not without a fee, has less sense of humanity than a poor ruffian, who kills a rich man to supply his necessities (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Nature is full of wonders; every atom is a standing miracle, and endowed with such qualities, as could not be impressed on it by a power and wisdom less than infinite (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I am very much concerned when I see young gentlemen of fortune and quality so wholly set upon pleasures and diversions, that they neglect all those improvements in wisdom and knowledge which may make them easy to themselves and useful to the world (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I have often wondered that learning is not thought a proper ingredient in the education of a woman of quality or fortune. Since they have the same improvable minds as the male part of their species (Joseph Addison Quotes)
There is no greater sign of a bad cause, than when the patrons of it are reduced to the necessity of making use of the most wicked artifices to support it (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Silence is sometimes more significant and sublime than the most noble and most expressive eloquence, and is on many occasions the indication of a great mind (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A common civility to an impertinent fellow, often draws upon one a great many unforeseen troubles; and if one doth not take particular care, will be interpreted by him as an overture of friendship and intimacy (Joseph Addison Quotes)
There is no passion that steals into the heart more imperceptibly and covers itself under more disguises than pride (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I should think myself a very bad woman, if I had done what I do for a farthing less (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Nature in her whole drama never drew such a part; she has sometimes made a fool, but a coxcomb is always of a man’s own making (Joseph Addison Quotes)
The first of all virtues is innocence; the next is modesty. If we banish modesty out of the world, she carries away with her half the virtue that is in it (Joseph Addison Quotes)
There is nobody so weak of invention that cannot make some little stories to villify his enemy (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Most of the trades, professions, and ways of living among mankind, take their original either from the love of the pleasure, or the fear of want. The former, when it becomes too violent, degenerates into luxury, and the latter into avarice (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A person may be qualified to do greater good to mankind and become more beneficial to the world, by morality without faith than by faith without morality (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Honor’s a fine imaginary notion, that draws in raw and unexperienced men to real mischiefs (Joseph Addison Quotes)
What I spent I lost; what I possessed is left to others; what I gave away remains with me (Joseph Addison Quotes)
If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Nothing that isn’t a real crime makes a man appear so contemptible and little in the eyes of the world as inconsistency (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A man must be both stupid and uncharitable who believes there is no virtue or truth but on his own side (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A true critic ought to dwell upon excellencies rather than imperfections, to discover the concealed beauties of a writer, and communicate to the world such things as are worth their observation (Joseph Addison Quotes)
An ostentatious man will rather relate a blunder or an absurdity he has committed, than be debarred from talking of his own dear person (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Friendships, in general, are suddenly contracted; and therefore it is no wonder they are easily dissolved (Joseph Addison Quotes)
He who would pass his declining years with honor and comfort, should, when young, consider that he may one day become old, and remember when he is old, that he has once been young (Joseph Addison Quotes)
If we may believe our logicians, man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter. He has a heart capable of mirth, and naturally disposed to it (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Is there not some chosen curse, some hidden thunder in the stores of heaven, red with uncommon wrath, to blast the man who owes his greatness to his country’s ruin! (Joseph Addison Quotes)
It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Mirth is like a flash of lightning, that breaks through a gloom of clouds, and glitters for a moment; cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity (Joseph Addison Quotes)
One should take good care not to grow too wise for so great a pleasure of life as laughter (Joseph Addison Quotes)
That he delights in the misery of others no man will confess, and yet what other motive can make a father cruel? (Joseph Addison Quotes)