Joseph Addison Quotes

Text Quotes
Hope calculates its scenes for a long and durable life; presses forward to imaginary points of bliss; and grasps at impossibilities; and consequently very often ensnares men into beggary, ruin and dishonor (Joseph Addison Quotes)
We make provisions for this life as if it were never to have an end, and for the other life as though it were never to have a beginning (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Words, when well chosen, have so great a force in them, that a description often gives us more lively ideas than the sight of things themselves (Joseph Addison Quotes)
It is not the business of virtue to extirpate the affections of the mind, but to regulate them (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Plutarch has written an essay on the benefits which a man may receive from his enemies; and among the good fruits of enmity, mentions this in particular, that by the reproaches which it casts upon us, we see the worst side of ourselves (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Ridicule is generally made use of to laugh men out of virtue and good sense, by attacking everything praiseworthy in human life (Joseph Addison Quotes)
There are many more shining qualities in the mind of man, but there is none so useful as discretion (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Plutarch says very finely that a man should not allow himself to hate even his enemies (Joseph Addison Quotes)
The voice of reason is more to be regarded than the bent of any present inclination; since inclination will at length come over to reason, though we can never force reason to comply with inclination (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Must one rash word, the infirmity of age, throw down the merit of my better years? (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Temperance gives nature her full play, and enables her to exert herself in all her force and vigor (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Good nature will always supply the absence of beauty; but beauty cannot supply the absence of good nature (Joseph Addison Quotes)
I consider time as an in immense ocean, in which many noble authors are entirely swallowed up (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Tradition is an important help to history, but its statements should be carefully scrutinized before we rely on them (Joseph Addison Quotes)
In private conversation between intimate friends, the wisest men very often talk like the weakest : for indeed the talking with a friend is nothing else but thinking aloud (Joseph Addison Quotes)
E’en the rough rocks with tender myrtle bloom, and trodden weeds send out a rich perfume (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Irresolution on the schemes of life which offer themselves to our choice, and inconstancy in pursuing them, are the greatest causes of all our unhappiness (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A religious hope does not only bear up the mind under her sufferings but makes her rejoice in them (Joseph Addison Quotes)
The head has the most beautiful appearance, as well as the highest station, in a human figure (Joseph Addison Quotes)
If ridicule were employed to laugh men out of vice and folly, it might be of some use (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A man’s reputation draws eyes upon him that will narrowly inspect every part of him (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Gold is a wonderful clearer of the understanding; it dissipates every doubt and scruple in an instant (Joseph Addison Quotes)
When a man is made up wholly of the dove, without the least grain of the serpent in his composition, he becomes ridiculous in many circumstances of life, and very often discredits his best actions (Joseph Addison Quotes)
In the common run of mankind, for one that is wise and good you find ten of a contrary character (Joseph Addison Quotes)
From social intercourse are derived some of the highest enjoyments of life; where there is a free interchange of sentiments the mind acquires new ideas, and by frequent exercise of its powers, the understanding gains fresh vigor (Joseph Addison Quotes)
If our zeal were true and genuine we should be much more angry with a sinner than a heretic (Joseph Addison Quotes)
Peaceable times are the best to live in, though not so proper to furnish materials for a writer (Joseph Addison Quotes)
A man’s first care should be to avoid the reproaches of his own heart (Joseph Addison Quotes)
True benevolence or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathizes with the distress of every creature capable of sensation (Joseph Addison Quotes)
He only is a great man who can neglect the applause of the multitude and enjoy himself independent of its favor (Joseph Addison Quotes)