Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes

Text Quotes
One’s capacity for metaphor is one’s capacity for a full life (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
Play is the royal road to childhood happiness and adult brilliance (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
We must become the people we want our children to be (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
We live in a web of ideas, a fabric of our own making (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
The parent knows that the child cannot be artificially motivated to learn; they know that he is already motivated by the strongest driving force on earth: his inner intent (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
Seeing within changes one’s outer vision (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
Any idea seriously entertained tends to bring about the realization of itself (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
For only as we ourselves, as adults, actually move and have our being in the state of love, can we be appropriate models and guides for our children. What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
We are shaped by each other. We adjust not to the reality of a world, but to the reality of other thinkers (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
We have a cultural notion that if children were not engineered, if we did not manipulate them, they would grow up as beasts in the field. This is the wildest fallacy in the world (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
Adolescents sense a secret, unique greatness in thems.elves that seeks expression. They gesture towards the heart when trying to express any of this, a significant clue to the whole affair (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
We are limited by our agreements on possibility. Agreement is a common exclusion of alternate possibilities. Agreement is the cement of social structure. Two or three gathered together, agreeing on what they are after, may create a subset in which their goals can be achieved, even though folly in the eyes of the world. The world in this case means a set of expectancies agreed upon, a set excluding other possibilities (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)
Our reality is influenced by our notions about reality, regardless of the nature of those notions (Joseph Chilton Pearce Quotes)